Facebook Obstructs Justice

From iGeek
Tales from my cousin (on them obstructing justice and defending child exploitation and spouse abusers).
My Cousin is a Detective specializing in domestic abuse and child exploitation. Talking about FB, he explained how they would demand subpeonas to get child exploiters/adbuctions/etc, and change the name of their department monthly, so that the subpeonas would be wrong, and require them to get another one in the new name, while the bad guys got away.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-09-19 

I lean civil libertarian, but I also believe in balances. From a cousin (Detective who went after child exploitation and other abusive family issues) would tell many stories about how Facebook ("Fuckerberg") would give him the run-around, while trying to stop pedophiles and child abductors -- and put their agenda above public safety.

According to him (and some buddies in the Police), Facebook would change the name of their account services group -- so that after they had gotten the proper warrants, they would say, "Oh, sorry, that group doesn't exist", and they'd have to figure out the new organization name, and get the warrants re-issued and stuff like that. And they'd notify the suspects that the cops were going after their accounts, all aiding criminals. I like standing up for the little guy, and there's plenty of places that the Law can go too far. But I don't think amber-alerts and trying to protect child safety is is one of them.


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