Flag in distress

From iGeek
Someone flew a flag upside down in my community, and it caused a Nextdoor Rucus.
Flying a flag upside down is a symbol of distress. It is not disrespecting the country if it is done in the correct context. And I think the Biden (Let's go Brandon) administration is a fairly worthy example of that. For me the problem isn't that Joe won, but how.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-10-14 

==Divide Nation and Divided Community==

So on Nextdoor someone (I'll call her Karen) complained that someone else in our HOA was flying their Flag Upside down above a Trump flag (and the ghost of Trump, since this was Halloween decorations), and they thought it was disrespectful to the Flag/Country. Since I moved from the DPRC (Democratic People's Republic of California / Turdistan), and this was in Free America (Humble, Texas), the bulk of the responses were mostly politely not for Karen's PoV, which made me happy.

But a lot of people were arguing over Trump versus Brandon, er Biden. And why the country was in distress: the whining about Afghanistan, immigration crisis, Inflation, Hunter Biden and corruption, Vaccine mandates, spending, crime and violence, and so on. Would we be in this mess if Trump had won? Probably not (or at least not the same ones). But I think that while the folks that have problems with Bidenomics and his agenda have a point, they miss the far bigger problem. You're arguing about trees and missing the forest.

The Real Problem[edit | edit source]

🗒️ Note:
I love that Biden is so bad, that he's teaching even Democrats the consequences of Democrats getting their way. Every generation needs their Jimmy Carter, and Biden is teaching generation tidepod why you never want the Democrats in charge. It's even helping with those who were too dim to use California, Portland, Seattle, Detroit, DC, NYC, Baltimore, and so on, as more localized examples of what happens when you give Democrats everything they ask for. On the local level: Democrats suck. On the national level: they suck harder! Sometimes your purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. Thanks for being that example Brandon and his handlers.

The bigger problem for me is NOT that Trump lost an election, or that Bad-Finger Biden won it. The Nation has survived incompetent or evil progressive Democrat Presidents before: Racist Jackson, Racist Wilson, Corrupt FDR, Evil Johnson, Incompetent Carter, Felatious Clinton, Racist Obama, and now Demented Puppet Biden. We've gotten through them, or will get past this one.

So who wins isn't the problem. But how they win? That's a bigger issue. There's lots of bigger issues at play.

Democrats broke election laws and cheated across the nation[edit | edit source]

Those are facts. We don't know if it was enough to swing the election -- but we 100% know that they use every crisis as an opportunity, and the COVID crisis allowed them to bypass election integrity standards and allow mass mail in voting (more corruptible), removed ID standards (more corruptable), drive up voting, allowed more early/late (less verifiable), allowed votes handed in by proxies (more corruptible), they blocked auditors, destroyed records, and allowed votes that should have been excluded. Those are just 100% verifiable facts.

Democrats are undermining election integrity and more importantly trust in the process[edit | edit source]

So we know that Democrats broke election laws and cheated across the nation -- but Democrats have always cheated back to Tammany Hall, Unions, and before. It's their schtick. The problem isn't just the cheating, or the scale, it is that this time they did is so brazenly, that they injected doubt in the integrity of elections entirely.

Then they refuse to admit anythign was wrong, and obstruct any ability to correct the problem in the future. If you cheated and won, meh. But that you are codifying that cheating as the new normal? That casts doubt on the entire democracy and integrity of self government.

The consequences of letting the biggest bastard win[edit | edit source]

In a street fight, the biggest bastard sets the rules. If you're planning on Queensbury rules, and the other pulls a knife, you better hit him with a pool cue, bottle or chair: the bastard just escalated (changed the rules), and your choice is adapt or die.

Welcome to America, where Democrats are the bigger bastards, and are politicizing everything, and escalating everything into combat (the life and death rules of "win at any cost")

We can survive Jimmy Carter II… but if we dont have elections people trust, or if Republicans follow Democrats into arresting political enemies, cheating, and two standards of justice based on political party and thought crime, the nation is lost.

🗒️ Note:
In the America I grew up in -- we were taught that your feelings aren't as important as letting others express theirs. (Freedom of expression). So I see stuff like Biden or the Marxist BLM or Antifa flags, and I just roll my eyes and move on. They might subscribe to an evil or idiotic/racist ideology and aren't honest/aware enough to recognize it, but not my fight. Miseducated idiots with soapboxes and megaphones is universal, or at least it was before speech codes and assault squads of black clad Democrats would assault anyone that disagreed with them, in the name of tolerance.

To me, the problem here isn't that someone wanted to show their dissatisfaction, the bigger problem is with those that can't let the other side express their views without the march of the Karen's. So while I wouldn't pick the fight with my neighbors by doing that with my flag, I have less of a problem with it, than I do those who can't just let it go, and just let people be idiots.

If we can't express ourselves in little vents like an upside down flag, or various displays of displeasure like political signage... then the alternative is boiling resentments and usually far worse expressions of frustration. So the last thing I want to do is shut down someone else's pressure release valve. Unless their pressure release valve is to try to silence and shame everyone else.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The Nation is always only one generation away from the end of Liberty.

Democrats decided against free speech, the right to assemble, privacy, liberty, and the idea that justice should be blind and fair -- those seams that hold the fabric of American society no longer matter. All that matters is they get their way in this (and every future) election.

But cutting the threads that hold the patchwork quilt of the American fabric together is a dangerous escalation.

It forced the other side into the choice:

  1. If the rest do nothing and let that happen, we lose. We become a 3rd world country where rigged election are the norm, and thus nobody trusts elections or respects the laws passed by the other side.
  2. If the rest decide that they should fight by the same rules, we lose. We become a corruptocracy where both sides are willing to cheat to win. Where there's no room for dissent, because ever politicial battle threatens our rights to self govern.

If we cant fix election integrity and election confidence, then we aren’t a functioning democracy, and we crumble. That is a lot bigger to me than who wins or loses.

The nation is on a precipice thanks to corrupt fascists like Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Bernie, Antifa, BLM, and their demented Puppet, and DNC judges or electiin officials that don’t care about the law. That seems worthy of a flag of distress. Even if a few are blind to the problems or the causes.

If we don’t fight for fairness? Then we may fight for just our sides victory. And Democrat leadership is doing their best to guarantee we fight, or the USA will become the USSA. The leadership thinks they will come out ahead in a Marxist cultural revolution... but the first rule of combat: forcing a life-or-death fight means someone is likely to die. So never pick fights you don't have to.


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