Day 18

From iGeek
< Grief
GriefDay 18
Easter gardening, and a little spring cleaning, and paperwork.
Easter gardening, and a little spring cleaning, and paperwork.
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Created: 2023-04-09 
  • Silver Spoons
  1. Slept better, didn't sob when I first woke up, did my swim (drove the Mini Cooper to keep the battery from dying)
  2. Bought flowers (mostly impatient's) for the front yard (for the Gardener to put in) - pink in honor of Melissa, then white closer to the house (in honor of my tastes).
  3. A grief forum topic came up that I thought was interesting -- many of those that have the least trouble were the ones that died from cancer, and the sudden deaths had the longer adjustment periods. It makes sense, and we assume that you can prepare, but it was interesting to see people supporting it.
  4. Note: the 5 stages of grief? That was created by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross -- and it was only meant to applied as a loose guideline for people with terminal illnesses, that first learn of it. Not general grief. And she later said she regretted creating it, because it's so misused and misunderstood by the general public. It does not apply to the loss of a spouse at all, from anyone I've ever heard/listened to.
  5. I continued to move Melissa's stuff from Master Closet to Spare Closet (and vice versa). She had enough clothes to go a month (or two) without washing them. And shoes? Where'd all these fucking shoes come from? (and sandals and slippers). A lot of people seem to go through grief with moving their ex's stuff? But I'm not sentimental on clothes. Especially when I have to sherpa them from room to room.
  6. Then I also did a lot more bookwork -- converting Melissa's system for property management into Dave's. Like she has 5 different spreadsheets, and then just the unit and amount (without summing up columns, etc). I needed to create one spreadsheet with tabs, add in thigns like dates paid, where it was paid to (Zelle, ApplePay, Check, etc), and who is in what unit. She just knew what went where, and where it came from -- I need to add hints.


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02/18 my wife had a 2023_Heart_Attack, and passed away on 03/22/23; the hardest day of my life. Except for the ones after it.

Tags: Grief

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