Change is constant: embrace the change, because fighting it changes nothing.
Created: 2023-04-19
A Runaway Girl
I think one of the problems of grief and life is people that runaway from things. Usually (but not always), I run towards them; a little impatient (especially at statis). But if you don't understand the motivation (or believe it), then it doesn't matter -- it can look the same, and people can delude themselves. I can be calm and enjoy the moment (especially if my goal is calmness); but a lack of movement towards some goal/purpose? I don't do that well. I was abused, I ran towards living on my own (in my creek) as a wilderness boy (not running away from home). I was bullied, I learned to go through the fight to find the peace I desired. Then I started to become a bully, so I ran into Martial Arts and learned control (and to help others against bullying). I was afraid of Marriage (because I saw so many bad ones), so I became the best Husband I could be. When one job got bad, I moved on -- the new would be better (and it usually was). Life is too short, and Melissa and my blink-of-an-eye 32 years reminds me of that. That life is over; wonderfully sweet with a slightly bitter aftertaste. I'm not afraid of the many great memories, the hurt at the loss -- I just want to turn the page and run towards the new life that I have no choice but to live, with all I have left.
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Tags: Grief