LST or Transcluder

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TipsLST or Transcluder

There is an extension called LST (Labeled Section Transclusion) - that allows one article to transclude just parts of another article.

  • Include something like this: {{{#lst:Mass Murder|Summary}}

However, there's a couple of a significant design flaws for my use.

  • It will not find things in infobox parameters, unless they are wrapped in a section block. <section begin="Summary" /><section end="Summary" /> and that can cause other issues.
  • It will not find things in the <noinclude></noinclude> or outside the <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> blocks.

Most of my InfoBoxes have parameters I want to get, and those Infoboxes are outside of the <onlyinclude></onlyinclude> block -- so that subpages won't get those infoboxes in them, or inherit their parameters. So that's a fail.

What's the work around?

  • There is a LUA module called Transcluder - that allows for finding inforbox/template parameters in a transcluded page (half the battle).
  • While it also won't search non-visible items -- there's an easy code fix to that (it's looking at the whole page, and then just throwing away the part we want). You go to the Module Module:Transcluder, and find function getText(page, noFollow)... and comment out the filter lines: (the '--' means comment block)
    • -- :gsub('</onlyinclude>.-<onlyinclude>', '') -- remove text between onlyinclude sections
    • -- :gsub('^.-<onlyinclude>', '') -- remove text before first onlyinclude section
    • -- :gsub('</onlyinclude>.*', '') -- remove text after last onlyinclude section
  • So to pull the Summary parameter out of Mass Murder page, would look as follows:
    • {{#invoke:Transcluder | main | Mass Murder | only=parameters | parameters=Summary}}
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