Hogg and the YouTube Shooter
From iGeek
While it isn't a crusaders job to fight EVERY fight, if they're too selective, they can look hypocritical.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-09-27 |
While it isn't a crusaders job to fight EVERY fight, if they're too selective, they can look hypocritical.
Like Hogg having a huge problem with a virtually non-existent problem of school shootings: which are infrequent and low death count relative to other high school risks.
Then he loudly ignored a mass shooting at YouTube (by Nasim Aghdam), because it didn't fit the disingenuous narrative:
- it was a woman
- she didn't use an assault rifle
- and like at Hogg's High School the cops had ignored many warnings by family members first
So nothing but crickets from Mr. Piggy.
That means he's not a champion fighting against mass shootings, he's only a hypocrite tool of the far left anti-gun clique, and should be treated with the contempt of any other hyper-partisan.
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Tags: Hogg