Is the 2A only for the militia?

From iGeek
Progressives tried to invent the idea that the 2A was for the militia. That's profound ignorance or profound dishonesty.
The 2A wasn't dependent on being in the Militia (National Guard), when the National Guard wasn't created for 100+ years after the constitution. The militia meant "all men not in the army", and English experts admit it is was what is known as a nominative absolute (unnecessary support) when put in the 2A.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-03-01 

There are a few fallacies, invented by progressives in the 1930’s and 1960’s to try to violate the Constitution by re-inventing what 2nd Amendment meant. Like the 2A is dependent on being in the Militia (National Guard), when the National Guard wasn't created for 100+ years after the constitution, the militia meant "all men not in the army", and it wasn't dependent on it -- it was what is known as a nominative absolute (unnecessary support).

This article goes in much deeper on the topic:

2nd Amendment was about the militia[edit source]

           Main article: 2nd Amendment was about the militia
A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed ~ 2nd Amendment, Bill of Rights. Well regulated means, "in working order". Militia means "all able body males". And the National guard wasn't created until 1903 - so was not vaguely what the founders were referring to.


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