Left Libertarian

From iGeek
Is there Left-wing Libertarianism? Not really, at least not in America.
Is there Left-wing Libertarianism? Not in America. It's like saying "kind rapist" or "compassionate gennoacide". You are either trying to increase individual liberty (and accountability) and are on the libertarian spectrum, or you're trying to seize the means of production and force social equality through government force. Social Justice or Individualism. But not both.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-07-05 

Left-Libertarian is an oxymoron. You can't pretend to be about individualism, then say that's why you want to use the state to force collective values. So anyone that says Left-Libertarian without openly mocking the hypocrisy of it, lets you know that they're just a Social Justice Warrior trying to wear the costume of a freedom loving person... but they aren't.


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Libertarian/Classical Liberalism, is just the belief that liberty should be the core principle of their philosophy.

Tags: Libertarian

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