
From iGeek
The ability to do as one pleases, especially if others disagree.
The ability to do as one pleases, especially if others disagree.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-09-29 
💭 Word Games
The Far left is playing language games and trying to re-invent the term through the pedantic. So they created "Negative" and "Positive" liberty.
  • "Negative" Liberty means liberty: the state of being free within society from control or oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views. Since you're free from leftist mandates, this is "Negative".
    • There's also an implication of "fairness" in the laws -- you might not be free to do anything -- but all the restrictions apply equally to all.
  • "Positive" Liberty means you have "privilege" of being successful, having an income to have influence/power. The implication being that you need government/left to help those that don't have "Positive" Liberty (income/influence/power)... by stealing it from others and redistributing it in the name of Social Justice. To do that, you must rationalize oppression, theft (taxes), redistribution, and subjective standards.
    • To them, fairness in the laws is not being objective (equal), it's about unfairly interpreting the laws to make up for other injustices of life (like skin color, sexual identity, etc). E.g. the only way to end racism, is be a racist. The only way to get justice, is to be unfair to the privileged. And other mental contortions of logic and language to rationalize leftist authoritarianism.

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We need to agree on what terms mean. This used to be easy, before SJW's/Marxists started Orwelling our language.

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