Ban all the things. Those who can't accept liberty, want to rule us, "for our own good".
~ Aristotle Sabouni |
Memes/Guns/Bans • [16 items]
If I have 10 guns and the government bans them, how many guns do I have? Answer=10
Ban all the things!
Ban Florida: it looks like a gun!
Here's my gun, you have to promise to give it back if you become fascist!
France blames terrorists, Leftists blame guns.
Four terrorists open fire with Ghost Guns!
Gun Free Zone: Criminals will just choose to go somewhere else!
Gun Free Zones: providing mass murders free victims!
Kennesaw mandates gun ownership instead of bans.
Need an AR-15? I don't need a whiney bitch, but here you are!
Why do you need this? Because it pisses you off!
Awkward: Biggest arms dealer calls for gun control (Obama)
Pick one: Gun bans or armed guards
Ban guns: it worked so well for prohibition!
Talk to me like you're a fucking idiot. "Nobody needs an AR-15".... THAT'S PERFECT!
Wolf free zone... <burp>!
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Tags: Memes/Guns