Trump generates a lot of memes: for and against. For=ironic truths, Against=usually dishonest lies.
~ Aristotle Sabouni |
Memes/People/Trump • [44 items]
Antifa/Media/DNC speak and spell: Orange man bad!
You can't trust Trump... unless he says something you don't like!
Imagine if Trump fined everyone that didn't want the wall in order to pay for it. Like Obama did with Obamacare.
Whoever made this (HumptyTrumpty) is going to get deported.
Schumer: We need a wall. Hillary: We need a wall. Obama: We need a wall. Trump: We need a wall. Schumer, Hillary, Obama to Trump: That's immoral. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
Donald Trump will run on his accomplishments after 3 years. After 40 years, Biden still can't.
Black Women can't vote? That's terrible... how is this not a bigger story?
CNN shooting a picture of Trump, that's covering their own foot.
Firing Comey is proof of coverup, but hiding servers and deleting 30,000 emails is standard operating procedure.
Media on online data mining: Genius when Obama does it. Evil when Trump does it. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
(Trump to Pelosi) Did you fall from Heaven? Because you remind me of Lucifer.
Fire and Fury = Fake News. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Deport a man, and you'll never have to feed him again. ~ Trump 20:20
Government isn't a threat. OMG Trump!
You know who else drinks water? Hitler!
There's enough on trump that any other person would have been indicted.
ISIS Training: Obama = JV. Trump=Varsity team. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
Kava.... NOOOO!!!
Miley, Madonna, Gaga think Trump degraded the image of Women.
Obama gave Bin Laden a funeral. Trump went on TV and called the ISIS leader a quivering, crying bitch. (After he was killed by an American dog/bitch).
Father of Pardoned Turkey denies that Trump helped.
I don't see why Trump's climate decision is such a big deal... THOUSANDS of guys have pulled out of Paris before.
Trump: I want to deport 11,000,000 illegals and 2 puppies Media: 2 puppies? Why? |
Racism sucks. Being falsely accused sucks too (more).
That Trump man said he'd pull them troops out of Syria... and just like that, them Democrats decided they like those wars... (Forrest Gump)
Trump is Hitler!
Making fun of how sometimes looks is wrong... unless it's Trump or a conservative.
Guide for progressives, how to tell the difference between Trump and Hitler: Hitler killed millions of people. Trump said some mean things. If you can't tell the difference, then you're the problem.
Bomb them = loved, Ban them = hated
Trump bombed all the same countries as Obama, why doesn't he have a Nobel Peace Prize as well? \
Is Trump a racist? Show me the evidence.
Married Immigrants, dated black women, employed minorities, has Jewish grandchildren. If he's racist, I'm the tooth fairy.
When Trump became President, his sons stopped doing international business. When Biden became VP, his son started doing international business deals. |
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Tags: Memes/People