Never let an opportunity go to waste

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Rahm Emanuel said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste."
Rahm Emanuel, Obama's bundler and fixer once said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." Of course he was perverting and plagiarizing the Bible which states take advantage of every opportunity (usually to do good, or follow the Lord's will, etc). But to the left, centralizing power and removing liberty is their religion.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-05-01 

So its fitting that while the Bible went high, the minions of evil (Democrats) never let an opportunity to politicize, demonize and hate go to waste.

Here's a few examples where when others went high, they went low:

  • COVID Overreach - COVID gave the left the opportunity to first ignore it, then overreact, then use it as an excuse to seize power. Once they had power, they just couldn't give it up, admit a mistake, because virtue signaling. They exercised that power in a specious and obnoxious as possible.
  • Coronavirus as hate - Democrats never let an opportunity to politicize, demonize and hate go to waste. Corona Virus (COVID-SARS-2) was a delicious opportunity to undermine election integrity, freedom with artificial and unhelpful polarizing mandates, and the delicious ability to attack anyone that didn't immediately tow the progressive/fascist line.
  • Newsom on COVID - Newsom on COVID is like any other leftist asshat trying to punish good behavior (or his political enemies), and rewarding bad behavior or putting symbolism over substance. Examples include: taxing Californians to reward illegal aliens for breaking our laws, shutting down only OC beaches (and getting ignored), shutting down most wineries and exempting his own.
  • Racy-NoJustice.jpg - Never let an opportunity go to waste.
  • Whitmer on COVID - Whitmer on COVID is like any other leftist asshat using one-size-fits-all policies to punish rural parts of the State, because of things happening in Detroit (her base). So she arbitrarily invented laws that made no sense at all.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

I don't think it's all, or even most Democrats that do this stuff. But the point is while the media and left will sensationalize some fringe person that they can pretend is the mainstream right, and rage about it. When more prominent democrats do it, they bury the story, water it down, or make excuses. Just use the same standards please.


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Democratic National Committee
Historically on the wrong side of almost every issue, while lectured the public on their moral superiority.

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