
From iGeek
< Political Spectrum
Political SpectrumCollectivist-Conformist-Individualist
Historically leftism was individualism (in theory). In practice and recently, leftism is collectivism.
Historically leftism was individualism (in theory). In practice and recently, leftism became about collectivism, or the opposite of individualism/liberalism. They did this by inventing the idea that the world was unjust, and the only way to get justice was through government (collective) redistributing power and money. Thus individual liberties were dependent on the Govt.
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Collectivism - Socialism/Communism/Fascism (Leftism) is collectivism: the idea that you create a group (collective/insiders) and protect them from the market forces of an unjust world. The tyranny of the majority (or elite minority). There are those that agree with them (part of the collective) and outsiders that must be destroyed, re-educated or overridden. Us vs them (exclusion) is a prerequisite: the philosophy of "the collective", means the exclusions of those not in the clique. Leftists are NOT fighting for the betterment of humanity (despite what they think of themselves), just those in their mean-Girls club. Conform or die, with no introspection on what they are demanding conformity to. Conformism - Conformism is the middle ground followers that will go along with either the collectivists or individualists (or any other ideology). That's not really a moral position or one based on ideology or ethics. It's more Confucianists (or Japanese): don't make waves, just fit in. The nail that sticks up gets pounded down, and the Law of Jante. They are pawns or peasants, know they are pawns, and are content (enough) to never aspire to more for themselves or their culture. (Or to be too afraid of resistance). Individualism - On the opposite extreme of collectivism is individualism. As Ayn Rand said the smallest minority is the individual. The left claims to be for minorities, by crushing individual liberties and promoting the tyranny of the majority (assuming they're the majority). Look at places the left controls, and imagine you disagree with them and see how well you're tolerated.


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Power relations between individuals or groups, such as the distribution of resources or status.

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The root of all evil... and the home page for this website.

Political Spectrum
There are many different political spectrums, and left and right means opposite things depending where in the world you are.

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