Politically Correct
Politically correct means factually incorrect: dishonesty in language that appeases the far left.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-12-09 |
History[edit | edit source]
Basically the idea of political correctness (adherence to political agenda over truth, and distorting the language to manupulate perception, and forcing adherents to conform to untruths to be part of the party) go back as far as history.
We can see it in things like:
- Martin Luther's Protestant reformation in the 1600's: resistant to old orthodoxy and terms, and demanding conformity to new ones.
- Or to 1793 in a U.S. Supreme Court judgment of a political lawsuit “Chisholm v. Georgia“, where the term was first used in the U.S.
- The Soviets and the NAZI's both demanded conformance to the party and it's thoughts (and even langaage), showing the politicization of all of them and putting party beliefs above all else, including language and ideas.
- In 1949, George Orwell's 1984 the leftist behavior was coined as Newspeak -- the progressive distortion of lanugage over oldspeak. The words are simplified to help brainwash the adherents, and distorted meanings helped with Doublethink, aka believing in mutually contradictory beliefs (like the party is about tolerance, proven by how intolerant they are to those who don't comply with the parties belief in tolerance).
The far left and Wikipedia's leftist editors, only go back as far as the 1970's, and only discuss the specific of that, and not the origins or trends. This is a form of political correctness itself: dumbing it down or narrowing history to only the points that support the parties agenda. A sort of lie of omission or selective "fact checking", along with requirements that you only use leftist citations to make it harder to argue that they are being unfair.
🗒️ Note: |
The Fairness Doctrine was part of a bunch of laws/agencies and policies that FDR codified that were used to censor and bully his political enemies. This was in particular standards of "fairness" that were to be applied by the FCC to anything that would go over the public airwaves, but like all things FDR, the rules were selectively applied during his era and beyond to have two standards, one for leftists/progressives and another for those that opposed them - which is why it was repealed. |
This history fragment is basically that when the leftists were outraged at the elimination of their speech codes ('the fairness doctrine') the term was sort of a self parody of the far left by the moderate left. But we know this was of course playing on much older ideas that required the party and party terminology be put above truth.
A quote that sums up the senitment of what is Political Correctness is:
Right versus Left[edit | edit source]
They also spend a lot of time trying to point out that the right can be politically correct too. Which isn't completely false -- just practically so. The right is far less about consensus and more about objective truth, as well as they don't control popular culture (the media, education, entertainment): thus it has less appeal, less ability to stick, and it doesn't align with their philosophy. So while sloganeering does appear on the right, the problems just don't last or drive the right like they do to the left.
In all cases, the goal of Political Correctness is not to increase clarity or compassion in the language (as they pretend), it is to distort it or invert it. To bury the raw truth under flowery or distorting prose or propaganda -- usually to make something cruel or evil (leftist) seem more acceptable to society. And that's one of the differences between leftist Politially Correctness and rightist propaganda or biased speech. Reagan, Churchill, MLK, and most of the orators or writers of the right, aren't reviled for distorting the truth: but telling it in such blunt clarity that even the left can't deny it. While the most famous PC people on the left, are famous for fabricating a slogan that totally twists the meaning of something, until people doubt right from wrong.
Examples[edit | edit source]
Here are examples of Politically Correct Terms that twist the meaning to mean the opposite of reality:
The opposite of Politically Correct is heresy -- but heresy against what? A: Leftist orthodoxy and redefintion. They want to pretend it is things like boorish or rude... but again, why is the truth rude? A: Because it doesn't fit leftist orthodoxy. Many Politically Correct terms are insulting to the other side.
Pro-life, Gay Marriage, vertically challenged, distortions of sex/gender (especially removal), BC versus BCE, War on Christmas, undocumented worker, Oriental versus Asian, and so on.
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🗒️ Notes
- Must read: https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/blog/historical-origin-political-correctness/
- http://factmyth.com/the-origin-of-politically-correct/
- Chisholm v. Georgia
- Wikipedia:Political correctness
- https://www.orwellfoundation.com/the-orwell-foundation/orwell/essays-and-other-works/politics-and-the-english-language/
Tags: Terms