
From iGeek
Basics of Propaganda: understanding differences between white, black and grey propaganda.[1]
Basics of Propaganda: understanding differences between white, black and grey propaganda.[2]
I use the meaning: (1) white = your sides story (your spin) (2) grey = telling your sides story with lies of omissions (to make your side look better) (3) black = are you adding in direct and known falsehoods and misrepresentation to sell your sides agenda (actively misrepresenting things).
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2017-05-02 

Historically, the term is more often used to represent whether you are open with the source or not:

  • white = you are you clear that this info is coming from the opposition
  • grey = you are ambiguous about source,
  • black = you are dark/misrepresenting this as coming from the other side (false flags, etc)

But that's pretty in the weeds, when my usage is simpler and more clear and easier to assume.

Uses[edit | edit source]

🗒️ Note:
The media leans left, so will debunk and fact check the rights lies/spin, thus they can't get away with as much . But the left will not only fail to do that for the lefty meme's, they lean so far left that they often propagate/repeat their message as fact (sometimes knowing it is false, most of it out of not knowing better).

Most propaganda in American media is grey propaganda (using lies of omission and is biased / one-sided), but way too much from the major outlets is more than just dark grey. The errors are all on one side (in favor of their own agenda, and getting the other side's views wrong). I suppose you could argue that all these left leaning media outlets are just stupid and don't realize what they're doing (and don't have any competent fact-checkers on-staff)-- but that seems even more insulting, than just believing they don't care. They found their audience, and they tell them what they want to hear for clicks, even if they have to sacrifice truth for their agenda (and income) to do it.

I'm not saying that this doesn't happen on the right. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are perfectly willing to unbalance a story to the point of being into black propaganda when it suits them. But they're not pretending to be the NYT, WaPo, CNN, NPR or one of these faux objective places. So it's hard to pretend that Rush/Hannity are denying their partisanism, and that they're giving you anything but one sided cheerleading -- thus they're white propaganda because they admit their bias up front. By nature of the democrat News outlets pretending that they're objective, when they are not even close, makes them black propaganda.

Memes/Media/Propaganda • [8 items]

The real choice is whether you want workers to have jobs at Walmart or be on unemployment.

Actually, the U.S. spends more on education than on the military, it just doesn't do it at the federal level (most is at State and Local).

That homeowner is as clueless as the people that believe that quote. Germany has some of the most expensive power in the world, and they only generate 3% from solar, not 50%.

A more accurate statement is that while Finish teachers earn less than American ones, their doctors earn about the same as our teachers. And they aren't the best in the world, unless you measure time for recess.
Switzerland currently has no minimum wage and no limits on CEO pay and bonuses!

One problem: Iceland bailed out its banks, at about five and a half times times the relative costs that the U.S. did!
Their social programs are capped based on tax revenues they bring in (instead of taking on debt), unlike ours, perhaps we should look at doing that?
Control the media, or the media controls us.


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We need to agree on what terms mean. This used to be easy, before SJW's/Marxists started Orwelling our language.

These are issues that people fight over... current events or consistent divisions.

Tags: Terms  Issues

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