Real Conspiracies

From iGeek
Often "Conspiracy" is used as a slur to reductio ad absurdum or shut down discussion. But many conspiracies exist(ed).
Conspiracy theories often get a bad rap; many are just conspiracy facts. Often "Conspiracy" is used (often by the left/media) as a slur to reductio ad absurdum a topic, or shut down discussion. Or they take the most exaggerated claim, to ignore all the reasonable complaints. But many conspiracies exist(ed). Here's a few.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-03-07 

  • Government/Lies - When people wonder why you don't trust the U.S government, I wonder why they are so ignorant on multitude of times the U.S. government (or it's actors) has gotten caught in a lot of lies/conspiracies. They have agencies/departments dedicated to it. That doesn't mean everything is a lie. But strict scrutiny and skepticism of politically convenient statements is prudent.
  • Russiagate (Republican) - Hillary paid for the Steele pee-pee dossier, it was spread falsely. The FBI used this fake excuse to spy on the Trump campaign for the Obama admin, and created the fraudulent Russiagate investigation knowing it was a fraud all along. There were many that knew of the fraud, and worked together to perpetuate it.
  • Climate The idea of selling the rubes that the planet is going to end, if we don't give them Marxism to fix it, or 97% consensus hoax, etc. -- these are vast conspiracies to dupe the gullible. That's not to say there's nothing truthful in there. It's that as it is sold, and what most people believe, is demonstrably false. And it requires a conspiracy of left wing advocates, and paid experts, collaborating to mislead the public -- because fear sells agendas.


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Power relations between individuals or groups, such as the distribution of resources or status.

Conspiracy Theories
The left and right both have some conspiracy theories, and there are some conspiracy facts.

Tags: Politics  Conspiracy Theories

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