Schiffty Schiff is full of Schitt. Obnoxious, Liar, Idiot: the trifecta of California Douchebaggery.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-10-04 |
- 2018.02.28 Nunes Memo - The Republicans voted to release the Nunes memo which said that the FBI abused power and lied to the FISA court, and mislead the public. Democrats like House Speaker and serial liar Nancy Pelosi and their Media cried foul, and said the Nunes meme was making. The IG DOJ FBI Report and the House Transcripts fully vindicated Nunes and his memo, and proved Dems frauds and liars.
- 2019.02.05 Don Jr's Call Logs - For months Maddow inflamed her watchers with the FakeNews that Don Jr. was in contact with "the Russians"... then when the story is debunked, Maddow brings on the accuser (Shifty Shiff), has him repeat the claims, then fails to correct or challenge him or the record. No clarification, retraction or correction, just on to the next lie.
- Q: Did Trump or his campaign collude with Russia? - Despite 4 investigations, and multiple Democrats claiming things like Collusion/Obstruction, we have no good evidence that anyone can point to. There's virtually no evidence of Russian collusion, and never has been. At least for Trump. The Hillary Campaign, FBI, and DNC? Oh, they colluded. But the left and their media doesn't care about that.
- DNC-Russian Collusion - Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy (twice), Bill Clinton, all asked for Russian collusion and interference in our elections. Barack Obama, in an infamous hot-mic incident, was colluding with the Russians. Hillary campaign paid the Russians for a fake Steele "Pee-Pee" dossier. So there was Russian collusion... by Democrats.
- FBI/IG DOJ FBI Report - The 2016 IG/DOJ report has many startling revelations about rampant partisan bias, lawbreaking (criminality) around Trump/Russiagate fraud. This wasn't just Comey, but 5 others, including Obama criminally lying about events.
- House Transcripts - From 2017 to 2020, the ironically named House Intelligence Committee headed by Adam Schiff, claimed hard evidence of Trump/Russia, but obstructed releasing the data. When it was released, it showed no evidence of Trump colluding with Russia, but there was evidence that DNC and Hillary Campaign doing exactly that. Real news agencieswould be outraged, FakeNews ignored.
- Schiff memo lies - Here's a few of his whoppers in the 2018 Schiff Memo defending the FBI snd Steele Dossier. (1) The FISA was violated, (2) Steele's Dossier was the basis of getting a warrant (3) Steele's reporting was never corroborated.
- Trump: Russian Collusion - Despite 4 investigations, and multiple Democrats (Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, NYT) claim evidence of collusion. Dianne Feinstein and Jim Himes both refuted that, saying they haven't seen any evidence of collusion at all. And later on it was exposed that Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, NYT lied.
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Tags: People Polemics DNC Anti-American