Sciam endorses Joe Biden

From iGeek
FakeScience magazine SciAm endorses a political candidate because OrangeMan is bad!
FakeScience magazine SciAm endorses a political candidate because OrangeMan is bad! They blame Trump for COVID response, EPA, and so on -- all since thoroughly debunked. Like all lefty publications, they create fiction, then just have to react to their fiction because it's just too important. Then fail to offer corrections/apologies when that fiction is later debunked.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-12-24 
  • COVID "Trump's rejection of evidence and public health measures have been catastrophic in the U.S. He was warned many times in January and February about the onrushing disease, yet he did not develop a national strategy to provide protective equipment, coronavirus testing or clear health guidelines." -- actually, he did all of those, but that's not the Presidents job, that's why we have the CDC/NIH, and they were downplaying it more. Oh, and testing was ineffective all along. China did all those things. SciAm is full rationalizing nationalizing our decentralized nation, and implementations of a policy that are not rooted in science, but in politics.
  • MASKS "If almost everyone in the U.S. wore masks in public, it could save about 66,000 lives." -- completely debunked and junk science. Where was the science -- showing the studies? Where's the apology when it was completely discredited?
  • Lockdowns "Trump has openly supported people who ignored governors in Michigan and California and elsewhere as they tried to impose social distancing and restrict public activities to control the virus?" - first Posse Cumatatis -- it's the states authority to do lockdowns or not. And the left would have called him an authoritarian if he overrode their powers. Second, lockdowns are later assessed as having done more harm than good -- and didn't stop the virus anywhere it was tried. Crickets instead of an apology. FakeScience.
  • Downplaying "At every stage, Trump has rejected the unmistakable lesson that controlling the disease, not downplaying it, is the path to economic reopening and recovery." -- flat out lie? He was sounding alarm bells while prominent Democrats like Joe Biden were downplaying it.
  • Fauci "The White House even produced a memo attacking the expertise of the nation's leading infectious disease physician, Anthony Fauci, in a despicable attempt to sow further distrust." -- first, get a fact checker. Fauci is not an "infectious disease physician" he's an M.D. that managed infectious disease physicians... and that's not his role, his role is politician/director. And he's been discredited and lied to the public on many topics from masks to HIV, to vaccine efficacy to origins of COVID (Lab Leak) and gain of function research. Scientists admit new data as it becomes available. SciAm is no scientific organization.

And so on. It's a craptastic article full of DNC talking points, all long disproven or at least debatable, and with no counter-balances. I'm embarrassed that SciAm has fallen that far. And it was never that good to begin with.


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Scientific American
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