Smoking is liberty

From iGeek
I don't smoke, and I don't like it. I'm not trying to glorify it. But Smoking is liberty.
I don't smoke, and I don't like it. I'm not trying to glorify it. But Smoking is liberty. It is someone doing something I don't like or support personally, but in a free country, it means people get to do things I don't like (as long as it doesn't endanger anyone else). And if we are informed, we know that Secondhand Smoke risks are bullshit and exaggerated.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-07-23 

Fact[edit | edit source]

  • Smoking doesn't hurt anyone but themselves (or those that choose to be around them), and they should have the choice over their bodies. Even if I don't like it.
  • In a free country, Private businesses should be allowed to decide what market they want to cater to (without govt. control). So while I prefer it if they offer smoking and non-smoking sections (with good ventilation.... I hate smoke as well, and I have pretty bad allergies to it), it is the owners choice: not governments.
  • Nobody is ever forced to breathe anyone else's second hand smoke. Some people have a choice to leave where there is smoking or not, but that's not the same thing. If people are loud, too crowded, or too drunk, I sometimes have the same choice and have to leave. Suck it up buttercup -- you can control your own behavior and be a good person. But when you try to control others, you're a dick.
  • While smoking is annoying (I don't like the smell), I don't like people who don't bathe, wear too much perfume, dress with their pants hanging down, and a dozen other things that are their business. Just because I don't like something, doesn't mean I get to regulate it. To those who say otherwise, I say "grow the fuck up". Do you want to live in a society where people micromanage everything they don't like? If not, lead by example and suck it up.
  • Most anti-smokers are ruder than most smokers I know. Smokers seem to feel a little shame and try to do it away from others and are not dicks. Many vocal anti-smokers are willing to get into other people's face to tell them what to do, or lecture them. If I had to support a group or think which is better for society, it is the smokers more than the fascists.

So there are two groups: (a) those that support liberty and (b) those that support smoking bans. Everything else is just the latter group trying to rationalize their benevolent fascism.


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Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, to the point of being anti-Science.

Tags: Smoking

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