Tax Policy

From iGeek
Democrats keep using Tax Policy wrong. Instead of using it to generate revenues, they try to instill social justice.
Democrats keep using Tax Policy wrong. Instead of using it to generate revenues, they try to instill social justice. Punish the "bad people" and reward the Good. That's pretty fucked up right there -- because by their own idea, they're punishing success and rewarding sloth/failure. You get what you incentivize. Then they wail when you point that out.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-01-08 

Think that through. Imagine that I, knowing basic economics, felt that democrats were bad people by enacting such a lame scheme, so decided to have two taxes, one for "good people" (non-democrats, or people that can figure out cause and effect) and a much higher one for non-educate democrats. What would they say? I suspect through the invectives, they would talk about "who the hell are you to punish a group of people because you don't like what they think, say or do".... and I'd say, "bingo".

And that's what should be said back to them.

Punishing people for buying sugary drinks or ammo, is the work of tyrannical assholes. Not only will it have negative consequences, but it's just an evil thought to begin with (assuming you value individual liberty and free will).

Seattle Sugar Tax[edit | edit source]

Philly did it first, and failed. You think Seattle could learn from others failure. But you'd be wrong. Never bet against a progressive determined to not learn from the mistakes of others.

California Ammo Tax


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The study of choice, scarcity, Social reactions to policies, and unseen consequences.

Democratic National Committee
Historically on the wrong side of almost every issue, while lectured the public on their moral superiority.

Unintended Consequences
Every action causes a reaction. Many reactions/consequences are counter productive and make the problem worse.

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Tags: Economics  DNC  Unintended Consequences

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