The View
From iGeek
The View was a talk show with 3 or 4 female shrill Liberals that gang-bang the one token conservative.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-03-04 |
- In the case of Elisabeth Hasselbeck they haranged and bullied her off the show for being "too Christian/Conservative for their audience". E.g. they were worried about the balance and likability she might bring to the show. Ratings plummeted on The View, while Hasselbeck grew the FoxNews Channel ratings (she went to immediately afterwards) by 9%. Yeah, Elizabeth was the problem.
- They replaced her with Meghan McCain, and they repeatedly had incidents with her not being liberal and stupid enough. \
Basically, the show is about Joy Behar, and Whoopi Goldberg demonstraing what vile humans they are, and they like to prove their stupid, divisive, hypocrisy, on a regular basis -- with Joy being more obnoxious, and Whoopi just looking ignorant.
Lousy show with lousy humans, makes their viewing audience dumber with every viewing.
👥 People
- Joy Behar - Ignorant, spiteful ex-commedian, most famous for her role as steaming partisan Bitch-Queen on ABC's the View.Ignorant, spiteful ex-commedian, most famous for her role as steaming partisan Bitch-Queen on ABC's the View. I just track some examples of why having Michael Moore in Drag, doesn't help ABC's credibility, especially since they moved "The View" from their entertainment division to their News division. Seriously, they think it's a News show.
- Whoopi Goldberg - Caryn Elaine Johnson is a high school drop out actor with many accolades, and an overly high opinion of her opinions.Caryn Elaine Johnson is a high school drop out actor with many accolades, and member of "The View" a gossip show with pretentions of being important, but is just 3 ignorant leftists attacking the one token moderate until they leave, and regularly demonstrating how little they know by attacking conservative guests and praising leftist ones.
Examples[edit | edit source]
- The View on DeSantis and Turning Point - Joy and Whoppi made moronic comments that DeSantis is the same as Trump, and they both support Nazis. (And that the Nazis were participating in the Turning Point conference). Facts, it was NeoNazis, they were outside, they were protesting the event (not supporting it). And the View had to offer corrections/retractions, and they fucked those up as well.
Memes[edit | edit source]
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