Thomas Piketty

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Thomas Piketty is a French Economist (and woman-beater), who is adored by the left for telling them lies they want to hear.
The woman-beating Pikkety, wrote a NYT best seller for a fictional depiction of economics, based on bad research by Emmanuel Saez. His Socialist Manifesto was called "Capital... in the Twenty First Century" is a play of Karl Marx's Das Kapital, and like Marx has been completely debunked in peer review. But the far left prefers confirmation bias to the truth, so they believe it anyways.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2017-05-20 

What happened is that there was another French Economist/Activist/Fiction Writer, Emmanuel Saez did research showing that incomes hadn’t risen for the poor as much as the rich, by ignoring all the ways that they had risen. He was quickly rebuked by real economists: but he won awards for economics (and creative writing) by far left institutions.

So Piketty probably figured that since a study could be disproven and still get that kind of fame/attention, imagine if he wrote an entire book?

Not only that, I imagine his reasoning was that if it was long enough (600 pages of table-laden full of flim-flam and distractions), that was regurgitating the same flawed premises and worse conclusions (with more fluff), that no one would be able to focus on a single error, because there was so damn many. Or at least he would cash in, before people noticed it was all hokum, wrapped in mendacity. And viola, Das Kapital 2 was pooped out, and parroted by gullible rubes that failed to notice that all his premises were wrong. (Even Emmanuel Saez criticized parts of the book, which was based on his co-research).

Thomas Piketty • [2 items]

Capital in the 21st Century
Economists can't agree on anything, but one thing that 80% of economists do agree on: that Piketty's r>g and is the cause of rising income inequality, is just wrong.
Saez-Piketty lies of omission
People adapt to tax policies, so many chose benefits that get taken out before income, instead of raises which get reported as income: so bigger pensions, 401K’s, Student Savings, Healthcare benefits, vacation/flex time, and so on — those have value (income), but aren’t accounted for in IRS data. Those that don't adjust for that, are economic charlatans.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

For 100's of years (since Marx and before) people have predicted that factories and automation would eliminate the need for workers and thus, the only way to guarantee there wasn't extreme stratification and a huge rich/poor divide, was to have the state steal from the top and give it to the bottom. And every time it was tried, the state was able to make fewer people at the top, and more people even further down on the bottom -- creating more poverty and more stratification (slowing growth). It has never worked before, but this rehashed 1800's economist is sure that we should follow the French model that often underperforms the U.S. (with double the unemployement, sower growth rate, and more young and educating living at home, fleeing, or living off the state).


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This is the root for finding info on people

The study of choice, scarcity, Social reactions to policies, and unseen consequences.

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Woman beater

Articles that spread Piketty’s fraud:

Tags: People  Economics

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