Trump vs refugees

From iGeek
Immigration is a highly complex issue, not everyone for more is good, or against more is racist
Immigration is a highly complex issue, not everyone for more is good, or against more is racist. That a child and democrats view. Trumps position is too extreme for me, but protecting Americans of all races against mass immigration (which causes downward income pressure, social stresses, etc), is necessary to remain a country.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-10-19 

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Immigration is a highly complex issue, and not everyone against more of it, is racist or a xenophobe. Being anti-refugee isn't racist.
  • If you can't protect a country from mass immigration -- then you can't remain a viable country. At some point if demand for being in your country exceeds growth rates or carrying capacity, you'll collapse.
  • There's good/bad rates of immigration. Too little, and not enough diversity/influx. Too much, and you cause downward salary pressure, social services/infrastrcuture collapse, increased crime, racism/tribalism, backlash. So the caricature of the left that if some is good, more is better, is idiotic. None is bad, Open Borders is catastrophic, and everything else is just debating how much we should throttle it.
  • Trumps position is too extreme for me, but that doesn't make him a racist, we just disagree on degrees of throttling. But we don't disagree as much as I do with those idiots that think we should reward an illegal flood of the lowest quality candidates we can get.
  • If you want to improve the cultural reaction to immigration? Just get them to cull out the criminals, filter the terrrorists that want to kill us, keep a balance between low/high education, and diversity -- high and low income, etc. Not just sucking the most disenfranchised or desperate.
  • If you can't admit Americanism/Nationalism isn't racism, then you're a lot bigger problem for me than Trump.

Examples of Dems behaving the same/worse[edit | edit source]

  • We have Carter blocking Muslim immigrants during the Iran Hostage Crisis [1]
  • Clinton whining about Cuban refugees [2]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

So I actually support the risks of taking more refugees, but only if the Democrats will be honest to the American people, and do it eyes-wide-open.

We will accept them, knowing that many Americans will die because of it, because that's who we are. But we will not lie to the public and pretend it's safe, that we can vet them adequately, or pretend that those who don't want to accept the resultant deaths are all racists. They aren't.

We also will not lie that there are no consequences for allowing them in. We must admit that you can't adequately tell the good ones from the bad ones[4], so we're really debating about the balances between security and compassion (isolationism, or accepting the mass murders and terrorism that will come with accepting those refugees), not racism.

Trump and supporters just value their friends and families lives more than symbolic gestures, and have seen muslims ruin their own countries, and don't want to bring that here. If you call them racist for those reasonable positions, you immediately turn me off to your arguments as a fool or fraud.


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