Ukrainian Invasion
From iGeek
In a surprise to no one, and after 10 years of warnings, Putin invaded Ukraine under the feckless watch of Biden and EU.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-02-25 |
Who Knew?
- There were plenty of warnings that Putin wanted to "re-unite" (repatriate) Ukraine, and the entire USSR. There were memes warning that Biden would enable it. Democrats ignored.
- Democrats cheated and got Biden in office, Biden signaled that he cared more about virtue signaling with trans generals in the Pentagon, diversity training in the military, and forcing out many healthy/competent fighters and special forces because they wouldn't submit to useless vaccines. Russia took that as a feckless administration that cared more about virtue signaling than actual fighting capabilities.
- Biden then signaled that he didn't want American or European energy independence by blocking American pipelines, canceling federal and offshore oil leases, reneging on ANWR, and getting Canada to sell their oil to China instead. Then reversed the Trump administration policy on Nord Stream II pipeline from Russia to Germany, as well the prior administration's pro-Nuclear/pro-Power Plant decisions. But he blocked the one from Israel to Italy. Green over independence, and he wanted the EU completely dependent on Russia.
- Biden had been signaling for years that he disapproved of Trump's policy of trying to get Germany and the EU to step up on their NATO obligations and increasing their defense capabilities to match their obligations. (Stop relying on American to do it all). Biden signaled he didn't care, as long as they didn't meet their Climate Obligation but kept attacking us for over-delivering on ours. Again, the signal to Russia is European Defense is not a priority.
- Biden mismanaged a simple withdrawal out of Afghanistan, that he didn't need to do at all. Then he signaled incompetence and an inability to pivot or adapt as it went bad in slow motion. Signaling weak administration.
- Biden then was focused on getting the Nuclear re-armament deal back in place with Iran, while Russia was slow-motion and obviously building up to Invade Ukraine. And the Biden admin was mismanaging a few dozen domestic self-made crises.
- Intelligence agencies were warning of Russia, Republicans had been screaming it for a decade, the Military gave him plans to make it hurt Russia, like do a massive wargame along the eastern from to let Russia know that their build-up/invasion wouldn't go uncontested. There was the plan of doing a Lend-Lease to Urkaine, with Flying Tiger-like "independent" (or retired) military to fly them and deny Russia automatic air-superiority. Anything to raise the stakes if Russia invaded. Biden demured, and threatened there might be some minor sanctions if Russia invaded. Signaling the go-ahead to Putin.
Then Putin invaded, in spite of the sternly worded letters of disapproval by NATO, the UN, and President Brandon. All threatening more harshly worded speeches of disapproval if he invaded a sovereign country that nobody would defend.
So what did we learn?[edit | edit source]
There are always lessons to be learned from any mistake. We all make mistakes, but life is about learning what we can and growing and getting better. So in the spirit of that growth, what can we get out of this, and what did the rest of the world get out of this?
- The Democrats taught the world that Nuclear Armament is their only option. Get ripped (Nuclear), or the 21st century is going to be very bad for you.
- EU, Clinton, Russia all promised that if Urkaine got rid of their Nuclear Arsenal, that they would be protected from invasion. They naively agreed failing in the most obvious lesson in life: Never Trust a leftist, and never ever trust a Clinton. They disarmed, and they are now going to be a puppet state as an example that peaceful sheep become a mutton dinner.
- This is also the Libyan lesson. Libya did what Bush and others demanded, and stopped their Nuclear Program. That let Obama create a false pretext (to protect civilians) to support a Islamic Revoltuion and destablize the region and put in an even more anti-Ameircan regime. The world knows that Democrats will break deals, so never trust America, or disarmament.
- On the other hand, the threat of Nuclear Armament has been very beneficial to Iran and North Korea. Whenever they want to extort money or get attention, they Nuclear saber rattle, and Democrats run to them with the checkbook out, or plane loads of cash.
- Finally, Ukraine shows what happens when you give up your Nuclear Arms. Neighboring countries can run roughshod over you, and the rest of the world will stand by.
- Democrats/leftists also taught the world that false pretexts work with leftists. You want to oppress your people and throw them in solitary confinement and ignoring your constitution? Just claim they are insurrectionists (J6): then war crimes laws don't exist. Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama all taught the world that if you want to invade a neighbor, just do it on humanitarian pretext. It was to stop a genocide, or to punch a Nazi in the face. That makes it OK.
- I don't know why this is new, but never trust the EU or anything that they are involved in. (NATO, the UN, etc). Yes, America is self serving and unreliable -- but they will occasionally do the right things. And they at least occasionally argue the right points. The Eurocrats will always take the most self-absorbed short term, tribalist positions possible. They haven't done the right thing once, since Crusades, and they certainly aren't going to do it now. They are more conserned with leftist optics like Green Energy, hyper-regulation, vilifying their or American businesses, and virtue signaling, than they are about self-reliance, liberty for their people, or stabilizing the world or their region of it. They hate American success, more than they love humanity, liberty, or doing the right thing. Thus America is wrong half the time, but the EU will virtually always make the wrong choice.
Fake Narratives[edit | edit source]
- Sanctions matter - Sanctions never mattered. They've never changed a policy in the hisotry of humanity. Those arguing that the sanctions are toothless are correct. What they're wrong on is that making them bigger/stronger would give them teeth. Sanctions only hurt the little guy. And in Elite Leftist Countries, the elites are always protected from the consequences of sanctions. There will be no populist uprisings in a leftist police state. In a couple hundred years you get about one good wave of uprisings every century, then they entropy back down to being the leftist dystopias they were before. (Like Russia). So there was never a win with sanctions. The choice was war, or surrender. And the EU, Biden, and the world wasn't going to commit to war. So Bye Bye Ukraine. You're on your own.
- Ukraine matters- Rather than reporting what is going on as a teaching opportunity: reminding a generation the consequences of appeasement, the Press is chasing headlines and distractions. Before the Invasion Tucker Carlson pointed out that Russia is less an enemy and threat to the U.S. than Xi, or the Democrats. Instead of getting the point, they pretended that Carlson was defending Russia. Nope. In context he was saying that we can't do for the EU and Urkaine what they wouldn't do for themselves. They had plenty of warnings, and they ignored all of them. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy (that got famous by mocking the prior President on TV), was saying just a week ago that the Russians wouldn't invade. Tucker was saying, with foresight like that, this is not our fight. Ukraine is not the problem. A feckless EU, incompetent UN, imperialist China, the Marxists divisions in America sponsored by those enemies of the U.S.? That's a lot more important to our long term survival or relevance.
- Experienced Biden- Remember, Joe Biden was mocked by Obama admin for his lack of foreign policy skills, but the Press played his experience up against Palin as VP, and as President against Trump: "Adults back in the room". While Russia was building up for taking over Ukraine, Biden was sure he could use China to intervene. China instead shared everything with Russia and made deals with Russia to betray Biden and the world in exchange for Oil/Coal/Arctic rights and Taiwan (Pending), and so on. When Trump warned of China, the media and left mocked him and have defended China since all the Democrats got caught in bed with them (figuratively and literally). So what did we learn? [1]
🖼️ Memes
Memes/Places/Ukraine • [16 items]
![]() C'mon, do the war thing!
![]() Trying to find in the Constitution where, "Because I really hate him" is grounds for impeachment.
![]() (Trump to Pelosi) Did you fall from Heaven? Because you remind me of Lucifer.
![]() And it wasn't Trump colluding with Russia, it was Grandma (Hillary Clinton)!
![]() Hunter: Are we in trouble? Joe Biden: Don't worry son I've got this. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
![]() Let me get this straight... the dems want to impeach a President, for trying to expose a crime? And then elect the person who committed the crime?
![]() Media riding the DNC off the Impeachment cliff: are you sure this leads to collusion?
![]() Articles of Impeachment: Because he hurt our feelings and violated Facebook community standards!
![]() Democrats trying to get Trump by committing impeachment Seppuku (Ritual Suicide).
![]() Wife decides to recognize the independence of her husbands French Fries.
![]() Leeeroy Jenkins!
Russia: Invades another country. America:ONLY WE GET TO DO THAT! |
The best way for ukrainians to protect themselves from a russian invasion is to get vaccinated.
![]() Pushing the Ukrainegate/Impeachment button hurts Biden. (Push) (Push) (Push) (Push)
![]() Source say the whistleblower is REO Speedwagon's Kevin Cronin. Sounds like he "heard it from a friend who... hear if from a friend who..."
They smell incompetence (Russia, China, Drug Cartels, North Korea), and they're coming.
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Tags: Joe Biden Russia Putin Ukraine UN