
From iGeek
Vietnam CT.07 Map.png
Vietnam is a place in South East Asia where Democrats got millions killed, enslaved or refugeed.
As an American, Vietnam is usually talking about the war. And you can't talk about Vietnam war without talking about what lead up to the war, why it was fought, who won (and lost) the war), what were the consequences, and a lot of messiness around intentions and outcomes. This covers all of those topics.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2017-05-17 

Articles about Vietnam:

  • Bernie on Vietnam - Sander told High School Students that the U.S. had committed acts in its war with Vietnam that were “almost as bad as what Hitler did.” To be fair, that was back during his 1972 gubernatorial run, but even then you have to be a special kind of idiot to think a few crazy soldiers going rogue is the same as institutionalize mass murder and human experimentation.
  • Kent State - May 4th in Kent Ohio, brings nearly annualized ignorance Kids (inflamed by their teachers and the left) have riots... over kids they never knew getting shot for rioting and doing violence/vandalism/terrorism over 50 years ago. Proving they've learned nothing. But to this day, the left denies that their actions started a tragedy that ended the lives of a few students.
  • Vietnam and Woodrow Wilson - What lead up to the Vietnam War? I blame Woodrow Wilson (D). When Wilson shunned Ho Chi Minh request at a peace conference (to even hear Minh's plea for Vietnamese Independence), it meant Minh's best choice at liberty from France was via the communists.
  • Vietnam/Price for peace - If you think war is expensive, you should see what peace can cost. In Indochina the peaceniks wanted peace at any price, and for the U.S. to get out of Vietnam, despite multiple warnings by the CIA about what would happen (that South Asia would fall and the Marxists would exterminate/re-educate/expatriate the opposition). The peaceniks got their way, the benevolent communist people’s party got control, and the cost was >6 Million dead, and at least that many refugees driven from their homes, while the peaceniks have never apologized about what happened as a consequence of their "peace at any price".
  • Violence never solved anything - Some say war/violence is wrong or that it never solves anything. They don't seem to remember WWII, or the various mass murderers that violence ended. So we many resort to violence too readily, but if the other side won't stop their violence, sometimes your violence is the better choice.
  • Who lost the Vietnam War? - There's a prevalent myth that America lost the Vietnam war. But rememeber history : 1972 we won, they signed a peace agreement. 1974 Democrats won congress. 1975 the North did a probing attack, and Democrats pulled their promised money/supplies from South Vietnam, and THEN it fell.
  • Who won the Vietnam War? - There's a prevalent myth that America lost the Vietnam war. But about 30 years ago, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, (who is largely credited with the “Singapore Miracle”, turning a backwater nation into an economically prosperous nation), wrote an op ed in the New York Times in which he claimed the U.S. had largely won the Vietnam War.
  • Why we fought the Vietnam War - I'm not pro war, nor pro Vietnam war. But if we want to learn and grow we have to accept consequences of action or inaction. This article covers the tradeoffs for the Vietnam War. At least what lead up to Kent State, which is where the view of the war turned for American, internally/politically.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

What can we learn from History?

  • That little things can have big impacts. Ignoring socialists or pretending their ideology isn't poisonous is something you should do at your own peril. The silly College kids or rebels of today, are the ones willing to murder your family or everyone that opposes them in the future. Like Ho Chi Minh.
  • That War and Peace are complex. Whether we fought the war or not, a similar outcome was predestined: that the Socialist/Communists were going to murder millions to get what they wanted: the enslavement of the country to their ideology of progressive wealth-redistribution and the centralization of power into the hands of the few (and a top-down economy, driven by the ideology of the left)
  • That we didn't lose the war. We won. Democrats later gave up the promises and the second Vietnam War, because political expediency was worth more than the millions of lives lost or ruined in the name of "peace".
  • That to this day, the young, Democrat-Educated, and gullible, still can't take responsibility for anything that happened and their contributions to the mess. That they got us into the war, then undermined our ability to win it, then bailed on our allies when they needed us most. That they encouraged young kids and radicals to fight to undermine American interests and divide us for votes. Then when their rabble-rousers eventually caused a massacre, they took no responsibility, blamed the other side, and invented fictions around what happened and why.

The point is NOT that you had to be for (or against) the War. I have no problem with sincere peaceniks, who are willing to let millions die for their beliefs in non-intervention, or that it wasn't our fight. They're right about that. And we certainly fucked things up.

What I have a problem with is the historical revisionists that are doing their best to NOT learn the lessons offered by history, by ignoring what happened and why. That increases the odds that we will repeat those mistakes, because we haven't studied what the mistakes were, and most think what happened is something else.

Mature adults can admit mistakes and learn from them. Republicans were far from innocent in the mess that became the Vietnam Wars, and I could go on and on about that -- but I don't have to. The Press/Media and leftists in Sociology and History departments will do it for me, in caricature and exaggerated form. So no need to beat that dead horse. But Democrats will usually deny history, or revise it, into some fiction where they were the good guys and did nothing wrong. And THAT I have a bigger problem with. They and their peaceniks got up to 6 Million killed in the name of peace -- and they need their noses rubbed in it, until they can openly own and admit they had something to do with it, and thus they're willing to learn that ego is less important than the lives of the future. (Those who will be lost if we don't learn the TRUE lessons that the dead paid with their lives to teach us).


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Places to go, things to see, people to do... not necessarily in that order.

Tales on the parts of history that have been ignored, suppressed, or lied about.

List all the articles that have work to be done on them.

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Tags: Places  History  TBD  France  Myths

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