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Science is skepticism. If someone isn't a skeptic, then they're not a scientist: they're a politician or an advocate (zealot).
Science is skepticism. If someone isn't a skeptic, then they're not a scientist: they're a politician or an advocate (zealot). While we should attack arguments and not people, you can look at the pool of some of the biggest advocates for a cause, and their claims and bonafides, and see how they stack up.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-10-01 

What the AGW advocates know is:

  • what the media and celebrities like Leonardo Dicaprio have told them
  • since they don't check facts, they believe there's unanimity in AGW theory (some 97% Climate Consensus) which is completely debunked.
  • many have been trained to reflexively write off all Climate Skeptics as kooks or paid shills, without ever looking at their Resume's of achievements, and why they put their reputations on the line
  • most ignore that the Climate Industrial Complex is a bunch of scientists and politicians that can parlay fear-mongering into votes, money and power (the modern snake-oil salesman).

List of Climate Advocates[edit | edit source]

  • Leonardo Dicaprio - High School dropout made millions in superficial hollywood pretending to be people more important. Private-jet setter with $6M estate that uses 100x the carbon footprint of the average family, while lecturing us on how our carbon scraps are irreparably harming the planet. He thinks a Milankovitch cycle is a fancy Polish Motorcycle.
  • Paul R. Ehrlich - Winner of many accolades for repeatedly being wrong: authoring the discredited and derrivative Population Bomb (regurgitating Malthusian Catastrophe via environmental Tragedy of the commons and popularizing the Global Cooling scare. The former disproved long before he authored/championed them. The latter flipped a few years after he made them.
  • Ira Einhorn - Earth Day Co-founder is Ira Einhorn, was famous in the counterculture, anti-establishment, and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Master of Ceremonies for the first Earth Day. In 1977 he became known as the "The Unicorn Killer" after his ex-girlfriend (Holly Maddux) was found mummified in a trunk in his closet: packed in Styrofoam pellets, air fresheners, and newspapers.
  • Dennis Hayes - Often called the Founder of Earth Day, Vietnam war protestor, ran overseas to get away from America, whined about how man was causing Global Cooling, his anti-logging efforts lead to huge forrest fires. Just a lifetime loser trying to find importance in some cause (any cause).
  • John McConnell - The forgotten first founder of Earth Day was Pentecostal John McConnell who sponsored food for Hong Kong refugees, and later "a minute for peace" to just think about peace and the wellbeing of others for one minute a day. But his ideas were perverted to rationalize taxes, laws, regulations and attention seekers exploiting his ideas for their own agendas.
  • Michael Moore - Micheal Moore, the idiot savant without any latent talent. He's like Joseph Goebbels without the success, charm or professional integrity. Climate Radicalism is among the things he loves, but he doesn't live by the rules he wants others to. And Climate is really just an means to Elitism/Socialism/Statism as the ends. Famous for using dirty tricks in his Fake Documentaries.
  • Bill Nye - Bill Nye is not a scientist, he's a TV personality (actor). Dolf Lundgren had more background in science. I don't mind that as a Kids Show host. I have a problem when he gets preachy on topics he doesn't understand, and gullible media pretends that his opinion matters.
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - A limousine socialist who won by promising recesses will be longer, and all the toys and candy will be free. The media played her as a founding a grass roots movements, but it's astroturf (Fake Grassroots). She was bought and paid for by Justice Democrats and they interviewed her as their Manchurian candidate.
  • John Tanton - Earth Day was anti-population/anti-humanity (pro-birth-control, sterilization, pro-abortion, eugenics, racism, anti-immigration). John Tanton, early earth day supporter, and founder of many America First, anti-Immigration charities and non-profits (FAIR, U.S. English, ProEnglish, The Social Contract, and Society for Genetic Education).
  • Greta Thunberg - A clueless special-needs girl (Scoldilocks) tantrums over things she doesn't understand. FakeNews/leftist activists treat it like her opinions matter. It's child abuse. Greta is this clueless, nasty little teen (Lisa Simpson crossed with Bane) that has been ruthlessly exploited and programmed by the far left (and her Parents) to think the world is ending.

  • Saul Alinsky - Far, far left fanatic/mentor of the DNC. Post-modern Marxist believe the ends justified the means. Believed that undermining/subverting the established is good. Ala Sixteen Candles, Saul is king of dipshits (I judge him and his followers by each other). With him, all paths lead to tearing down what we have, and rebuilding after the resulting revolution.
  • Ira Einhorn - Earth Day Co-founder is Ira Einhorn, was famous in the counterculture, anti-establishment, and anti-war movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Master of Ceremonies for the first Earth Day. In 1977 he became known as the "The Unicorn Killer" after his ex-girlfriend (Holly Maddux) was found mummified in a trunk in his closet: packed in Styrofoam pellets, air fresheners, and newspapers.
  • Garrett Hardin - Author of the pessimistic scare-paper called "tragedy of the commons”. Hardin hadn't bothered to read all the science/literature that had disproven the premise, generations before he wrote it. But he preached to the gullible, "Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all” (or the corollary, "tyranny can save us”). And the marxists and environmentalists lapped it up.
  • Dennis Hayes - Often called the Founder of Earth Day, Vietnam war protestor, ran overseas to get away from America, whined about how man was causing Global Cooling, his anti-logging efforts lead to huge forrest fires. Just a lifetime loser trying to find importance in some cause (any cause).
  • John McConnell - The forgotten first founder of Earth Day was Pentecostal John McConnell who sponsored food for Hong Kong refugees, and later "a minute for peace" to just think about peace and the wellbeing of others for one minute a day. But his ideas were perverted to rationalize taxes, laws, regulations and attention seekers exploiting his ideas for their own agendas.
  • John Tanton - Earth Day was anti-population/anti-humanity (pro-birth-control, sterilization, pro-abortion, eugenics, racism, anti-immigration). John Tanton, early earth day supporter, and founder of many America First, anti-Immigration charities and non-profits (FAIR, U.S. English, ProEnglish, The Social Contract, and Society for Genetic Education).

Your causes are defined by your spokespeople, and their positions/accuracy... especially if they aren't moderated by the more credible at the time. What the loudest voices of Climate Activists have in common are hatred of free market capitalism and individual rights, scientific ignorance, claims way out ahead of the facts, and a willingness to practice human sacrifice (punish civilization and drive us back to the stone age or authoritarianism, no matter how many lives it costs, to save Mother Earth from thriving civilization).

People that argue consensus means we should look at who some of the vocal consensus is, as well as the quality of their positions (and historical accuracy of them). Consensus is the bandwagon fallacy (appeal to authority), but it's worse if you have too many idiots as your biggest and loudest supporters. That doesn't prove you wrong, but it sure shows that the most popular people and most popular arguments made by your side are not the moderate or rational ones.


👁️ See also

  • Climate - The Climate is always change, the debate is over the cause and consequences. Where there's no debate, there's no science.
  • Climate/CO2 Basics - Frauds pretends that 400 ppm of CO2 tipping point means we're doomed. They ignore we used to have ice ages and 5,000ppm.
  • Climate/Advocates - Science is skepticism. If someone isn't a skeptic, then they're not a scientist: they're a politician or an advocate (zealot).
  • Climate/Consensus - Science is skepticism. If someone isn't a skeptic, then they're not a scientist: they're a politician.
  • Climate History - Historically, CO2 does not correlate well with the climate at all (despite what Al Gore tells you).
  • Climate/Skeptics - Science is skepticism. If someone isn't a skeptic, then they're not a scientist: they're a politician.
  • Hockey Stick - Michael Mann used tricks to remove past warm periods and dupe rubes into thinking this is the warmest period in history.

🔗 More

The Climate is always change, the debate is over the cause and consequences. Where there's no debate, there's no science.

The Climate is always change, the debate is over the cause and consequences. Where there's no debate, there's no science.

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