Wikipedia editors take money to alter stories (2019)

From iGeek
Wikipedias editors (like Ed Sussman) get caught altering the tone/content for cash. (Pay-for-whitewash)
The facade that Wikipedia is non-partisanism is crushed when their editors (like Ed Sussman) get caught altering the tone/content for cash. (Pay-for-whitewash). And the list of payers is a whose who of leftist organizations: Facebook, NBC, Nextdoor, Axios, CNN, Intel, and so on.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-03-26 

Of course this comes to a surprise to noone who has ever tried to edit a wikipedia page only to run headlong into one of their editors hypocritical double-standards on what qualifies as worthy. But it's another drop of paint on the mural that makes up their brand.


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Wikipedia is both hit and miss. Most articles are pretty good, but there's a leftist bias amongst too many articles.

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Tags: Wikipedia

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