2018.07.02 Fake Immigration Story
From iGeek
WaPo counted only half of immigrants and concluded that Trump's policies are suppressing Muslims. Bad at math = racism?
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-01-27 |
WaPo used flawed analysis to count only half of immigrants, and conclude that Trump's policies are suppressing Muslims. Only the rest of the data changes the story. The problem isn't just that WaPo is bad at math/logic, it's that they haven't retracted and apologized.
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🔗 Links
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/how-trump-is-changing-the-face-of-legal-immigration/2018/07/02/477c78b2-65da-11e8-99d2-0d678ec08c2f_story.html
- https://cis.org/Vaughan/Washington-Post-Analysis-Immigrant-Admissions-Under-Trump-Ignores-Half-All-Immigrants-Reach
Tags: FakeNews WaPo Trump Immigration