A once great paper, now a liberal fake news rag that looks more like Bezos Blog (or the DNC's blog) than an objective Newspaper.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2018-04-05 |
Fake News
🗒️ Note: |
FakeNews (Junk News or yellow journalism) is when legitimate stories or facts are suppressed, journalistic standards aren't adhered to, half truths are told, or a narrative spun to where the story becomes misleading or false. Think: manufactured crises, hoaxes, clickbait (sensational teasers/headlines with buried facts), bias or selective fact-checking, anonymous or paid sources, minor stories obscuring more significant news, delaying or ignoring newsworthy events, are all forms of FakeNews. Most retractions or corrections are evidence of shoddy standards and/or editorial bias creating FakeNews. |
Whether you agree with the WaPo or not, if we start seeing a pattern of bias and errors, then they're not a fair and balanced media outlet. And if you don't see a pattern of bias and errors, then you're just uninformed on the topic. With WaPo there's not a lot of middle ground. Some examples include:
WaPo • [64 items]
- 2009.01.15 Cheers for Obama - WaPo staff caught cheering an Obama (President Elect) visit back in 2009.
- 2014.08.06 VoterID Fraud - Justin Levitt did a "Study" that found only 31 convictions of voter fraud. It was crap, and shows that we need better tracking.
- 2015.11.26 Trump and Disabled Reporter - WaPo had to walk back a Fale FactCheck against Trump, he mocked them, they mislead that he mocked a disable reporter.
- 2016.05.02 Hillary and the Rapist - Hillary for laughing about getting a child rapist off when she was a defense lawyer.
- 2016.11.01 Greenville, Mississippi black church fire - Greenville, Mississippi church was vandlized by a Black Democrat trying to frame Trump Supporters.
- 2016.11.08 Trump Loses - Media claimed Trump could never win, repeatedly. He won.
- 2016.12.09 Sophisticated Russians Hack - WaPo claims sophisticated Russian hack that security experts laugh it off as amateur hour with no proof of Russians.
- 2016.12.22 Embezzling, Hookers, Divorce (oh my) - Snopes CEO/Founder (David Mikkelson) embezzled money to rent hookers.
- 2016.12.31 Russians hack our power grid - WaPo invented that the Russians were responsible for a Vermont PowerGrid attack. Debunked. Then they botched the rewrite.
- 2017.01.20 Scrubbed Climate Change and LGBT - The left media went nuts over a normal operating procedure to replace old WH website with new. Are they fools or frauds?
- 2017.02.15 Tucker Carlson roasts Erik Wemple - Video where Tucker calls out WaPo (Erik Wemple, their media critic), and caught them in glaring hypocrisy (and errors).
- 2017.05 James Comey Firing - An FBI report cited gross misconduct, so Trump fired James Comey. Democrats and their media claimed it was illegal.
- 2017.05.15 Russia-Leaks - WaPo invented a story that Trump leaked highly classified information to Russian ambassador.
- 2017.05.15 Russia-leak Cheers - WaPo lies that Trump leaked info to the Russians, and cheers that the lie broke a viewership record.
- 2017.05.17 Seth Rich - WaPo was silent on Seth Rich being the source of the WikiLeaks emails, or being murdered for it.
- 2017.05.25 NATO - Trump criticized European Countries for doding their responsibilities to NATO, they improved slightly after this.
- 2017.06.12 Omits Islam from Islamic attack - WaPo forgot to mention anything about Islam or Terrorism in rememberence of Orlando (Pulse) nightclub shooting.
- 2017.08.21 Hallmark of Dishonesty - "Hallmark Channel is booming", is used to bash Trump (as escapism). False. It started trending pre-Trump, and was down.
- 2017.11.16 WaPo confirmed a forged Signature. - WaPo's experts confirmed the validity of a signature, that the accuser admits had been forged. WaPo never retracts.
- 2017.11.22 WaPo Reporter collaborating with Democrats - WaPo reporter Janell Ross gave Strategy Briefing to secret Soros/DNC dark-money donor group conference.
- 2017.12.09 Crowd Tweet - WaPo Reporter tweets photo mocking Trump's Pensacola, FL rally size, by posting a photo from hours before Trump arrived.
- 2018.06.07 Suicide trends - WaPo ran an article showing Suicide Numbers trending up... and burried many important causes.
- 2018.06.21 Immigration Girl - Time never ran a cover article complaining about immigrant abuse during Obama, when this was happening more widely.
- 2018.07.02 Fake Immigration Story - WaPo counted only half of immigrants and concluded that Trump's policies are suppressing Muslims. Bad at math = racism?
- 2018.07.10 Clickhole - WaPo used a Clickhole article as the basis of a hit piece on Trump, only to discover that Clickhole is satire. Ooops.
- 2019.02.03 Superbowl Ad - WaPo ran a $5.2M ad during the worst Super Bowl, trying to prop up their brand. Didn't work.
- 2019.02.05 SOTU 2019 - The SOTU was a little late (thanks to Pelosi's shutdown). Trump took the high road, Nancy/Dems took the lower one.
- 2019.02.13 Golf Simulator - WaPo slams Trump for the Golf Simulator in the WH... installed by Obama, and Trump is paying for the upgrades himself.
- 2019.03.08 AOC Campaign Finance Scandal - AOC appears to have illegally diverted more than $1M of her campaign funds.
- 2019.03.20 FOIA Requests - Brent Scher compared FOIA requests on Obama versus Trump and got an obvious example of bias.
- 2019.03.22 Mueller Report - The Mueller Report showed that there was no hint at collusion by Trump or his team, it was a Hillary funded hoax.
- 2019.07.19 NYT tries to slam U.S. for space program - NYT think USSR is better than U.S. because we sent a man to the moon, they sent token woman, asian, and black to orbit.
- 2019.08.21 Buying Greenland, dissing Denmark - Trump floated the idea of buying Greenland. Denmark said, "it's not for sale". And Trump canceled a visit to Denmark.
- 2019.10.30 WaPo publishes ChiCom Propaganda - WaPo periodically published a CCP insert entitled “China Watch". Democracy dies in darkness, indeed.
- 2019.12.18 Merry Impeachmas - WaPo reporters blasted for ‘Merry Impeachmas’ photo where they exposed how biased (FakeNews) they are.
- 2020.08.10 Compost that book - WaPo advocates for composting books that offend it. Democracy dies in the darkness... after their book burning?
- Abu Bakr al-Baghadai - The founder of ISIS died by blowing himself up as U.S. special forces were closing in.
- Believe all women/Forced Hair Cutting - 6th Grade black school girl falsely accused three white classmates of forcibly cutting her hair making national news.
- Covington High School Confrontation - NYT and MSM published an article claiming HS kids mobbed a Native American and an Indigenous People's march. All false.
- Crowder YouTube Demonetization - Crybully uses Vox to pressure YouTube to Demonetize Steven Crowder, YouTube caves.
- Global Massacres/Christchurch Shooting - Left wing eco-nationalist shot-up mosques because immigrants were over-populating the planet and causing Global Warming.
- Hillary Clinton: Fired from Watergate (1974) - "fired" for corrupt and unethical behavior from the Staff of House Judiciary Committee during Watergate.
- Hurricanes/Harvey - Democrats and their media continued their trend of politicizing every disaster or event.
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement - This organization gets regular hate and disinformation from the far left, for protecting our nation from destruction.
- Kushner Headline Sensationalism - Headline claims Jared Kushner was the target of FBI, then retracted in the 5th Paragraph. Propaganda.
- Kyle Rittenhouse/Fake News - WaPo: The post pretends the Violent Perpetrators as victims, and Kyle being armed was the problem. If Kyle wasn't armed, he likely would have been beaten or killed by thugs with a history of criminal violence.
- Libs of TikTok - A Journalists account was attacked (Doxxed) by the haters of Free Speech (WaPo/Taylor Lorenz)
- MAVNI Military Recruits - AP headline, "US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits". And it was FakeNews.
- Paige Patterson MeToo (2018) - Paige Patterson's #MeToo dubiously claims he slut-shamed/blamed and urged (Megan Lively) not to report a rape.
- Roy Moore - A Republican nominee in Alabama that was hit by WaPo with multiple questionable allegations.
- Russian Bot - There's a new attack by the far-left on anyone that is rational (conservative or libertarian) must be a Russian Bot.
- Sharpiegate - Trump warned that people should evacuate for Hurricane Dorian, National Weather Service incorrectly said not to worry.
- Some People - Ilhan Omar said, "Some people did something", to avoid admitting Islamic Terrorists took down the Twin Towers on 9/11.
- Taylor Lorenz false allegations Depp v. Heard - Lorenz falsely claimed claimed that two YouTubers were contacted for comment prior to publication. They weren't.
- Taylor Lorenz false allegations against Drudge Report - Lorenz falsely claimed Drudge Report was "relentlessly" harassing her. They weren't.
- Tea Party - The railroading of the TeaParty is a great example of FakeNews. Media crumbling trust started in 2009.
- Trump's sexual assaults - The Women claiming Trump sexually assaulted them is not very credible.
- Twitter Bans people for exposing the Andy Ngo assailants - Andy Ngo assaulted/Hospitalize by Antifa. Those exposing who did it are getting Banned/De-verified from Twitter.
- Twitter Suspends James O’Keefe - Twitter blocked Project Veritas's Jame O'Keefe, for reporting the truth Bernie Sanders campaign staffers.
- WaPo mislabels Shapiro Alt-Right - WaPo published a couple articles that imply Ben Shapiro, is alt-right. A devout Jew is anti-semitic? Really?
- WaPo on Guns - WaPo regularly lies about guns, shooters, gun control and NRA. Very infrequently, they get something right.
- WaPo on Tara Reade - WaPo spun Tara Reade's sexual harassment claims against Joe Biden's as an example of the vast right wing conspiracy.
- Will Happer Climate Denialist? - Happer was appointed by Trump, so the far left (NYT, WaPo, etc), attacked him for putting Science above leftist agendas.
- YETI Coolers - In the wake of Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, YETI Coolers cut off ties to the NRA Foundation, which caused backlash.
🖼️ Memes
Memes/Organizations/WaPo • [10 items]
![]() WaPo: Sensitive artist, budding writer, and animal welfare activist, Adolf Hitler, dies by suicide.
![]() Compare WaPo on Osama vs Abu Bakr *[1]
![]() Compare WaPo on Osama vs Abu Bakr *[2]
![]() Al Capone, noted entrepreneurial genius, and self-taught millionaire lives out his days in gated community.
![]() WaPo article on the evils of Capitalism, hidden behind a paywall. (Is it still satire if it's true? (BabylonBee)
![]() WaPo: Ted Cruz is Putin's stooge (if your only tool is a hammer and sickle, all your enemies look like collaborators).
![]() WaPo: Mitch McConnell is a Russian stooge (if your only tool is a hammer and sickle, all your enemies look like collaborators).
![]() WaPo:The entire Republican Party is becoming a Russian asset (if your only tool is a hammer and sickle, all your enemies look like collaborators).
![]() WaPo: 18 reasons Trump is a Russian asset (if your only tool is a hammer and sickle, all your enemies look like collaborators).
![]() WaPo: In the long run, wars make us safer and richer. Go Fuck Yourself, WaPo!!
🔗 More
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🔗 Links
- Fake News Factory: Another disastrous week: http://www.dailywire.com/news/16646/fake-news-factory-another-disastrous-week-john-nolte
- Glenn Greenwald taking WaPo to task: https://www.democracynow.org/2017/1/5/glenn_greenwald_mainstream_us_media_is
- Anonymous Tips aren't news: http://thefederalist.com/2017/05/16/tips-for-reading-washington-post-stories-about-trump-based-on-anonymous-leaks/
- Anonymous Tips aren't news2: http://www.truthrevolt.org/commentary/greenfield-anonymous-sources-washington-post-and-cnn-fake-news
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