2020 Unhackable voting machines

From iGeek
Democrats claimed that Dominion was unhackable, and not connected to the Internet. Evidence shows those both were lies.
Democrats claimed that the Dominion voting machines were unhackable (ignoring evidence to the contrary), and claimed the machines were not even connected to the Internet -- but data logs in Arizona and elsewhere show that they were connected to the Internet, and very, very hackable. And before 2020 results, they were very vocal about the flaws of voting machines. That doesn't mean they were hacked -- but it means that Democrats should not have opposed audits and infosec to get to the bottom of the issue, they shouldn't whine that these things are a problem for them and then try to defend them when Republicans complain too. Opposing transparency, and lying about capabilities, both created more suspicion.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2020-11-09 

Voting Machines Vulnerabilities Have Been A Longstanding Problem - Both Democrats And Republicans Agree[edit | edit source]


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Election 2020 - Anomalies
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