Election 2020 - Anomalies

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Unusual indicators in the election.
Unusual indicators in the election include Befords Law broken, Bellweathers, Big Tech Censorship, turnout of dead or moved people, campaign crowd sizes, numbers of rejected ballots crashed (despite less controls), many witnesses to suspicious and illegal things, late night stop in counts then vote spikes, polling errors, ratios/norms compared to prior elections.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-09-30 

2020 Election Anomalies • [23 items]

  • 2000 Mules - Documentary on the criminal voter fraud and ballot stuffing during the 2020 Presidential Election.
    Documentary on the criminal voter fraud and ballot stuffing during the 2020 Presidential Election. TrueTheVote used Cellphone tracking data to show 2000 people visited 10 different polling places and 5 different DNC fronts, in the same night. (While not having a pattern of going to those places before or after the election). Ballot stuffing is illegal.
  • 2020 Benford's Law and Math - Benford's Law uses frequency distribution to detect voter fraud. It went red in Chicago, Pittsburg, Milwaukee.
    Benford's Law of anomalous numbers is an observation about the frequency distribution in many real-life sets of numerical data that is used to detect voter irregularities (fraud). Biden's votes in Chicago, Pittsburg, Milwaukee all rape this law in ways that no legitimate election has ever done before. It doesn't prove fraud, but it does prove reason for concern and something worthy of investigating. The censorship of sharing the data (which happened and caused the Streisand effect), and suppression of the investigation and attacking the questioners, all magnified the power/validity of those arguing "Stolen Election". You don't suppress what you don't fear, you just let the other side expose themselves as kooks.
  • 2020 Big Tech Censorship - Big Tech were censored people, posts and searches that would have swayed the election from Biden to Trump. This alone validates a claim of stolen election!
    Big Tech (Google, Facebook, Twitter, GoFundMe, etc) were all caught censoring people and posts and searches that favored Trump or told the truth about Biden. If they don't this equally to both sides, they are illegal campaign contributions (cheating). If just one fact they censored got out (Truth about Hunter's laptop) was enough to have swung the election (and polls have shown that it was), then think about the aggregate.
  • 2020 Campaign Crowd Size - Crowd Size doesn't prove anything, but it hints strongly at enthusiasm/turnout in every election in history, except this one?
    While Crowd Size vs. Vote Count doesn't prove anything, it hints strongly at enthusiasm/turnout in every election in history, except this one? To get over that skepticism, you need a good/logical defense. None provided. Facebook and Twitter try to suppress this point with Fake Fact Checks saying that the reason Biden couldn't draw crowds was only because he didn't want to and was "social distancing", but he did try a few times, and fell flat. Those campaigning with/for him tried, and fell flat. And the voters didn't turn out for him anywhere but in the 4 swing cities (controlled by Democrats) that he needed to change the election. And they defied laws, logic, norms/statistics to get those turn-out numbers.
  • 2020 Chicanery and Suspicious Behavior - None of these are proof of voter fraud... but they are proof that there's a reason for doubt.
    None of these are proof of wrongdoing... but they are proof that there's a reason for doubt. And certainly some deserve follow-up that the media / social media suppressed (and would not suppress if a Republican was caught). Again, the point is that anyone objective looking at the election must admit there are valid reasons for doubt. And thus valid reasons to protest when people are suppressing all standing, audits or questions to allow any investigation.
  • 2020 Dead votes - 1,729 centenarians and 10,000 deceased people voted in Michigan alone. Nothing to see here?
    1,729 centenarians voted (1,207 of them voted in Detroit with 90% going to Biden), and 10,000 deceased people voted. Nothing to see here? Of course a few are mistakes (like a name collision), and the media excused that with one example. But that defies logic and scale. We're not talking about a few, we're talking about 11,729 in Michigan. Other states showed similar results, all favoring Democrats, and Democrats been opposed and resisted all attempts at voter role sanitization. How gullible do you have to be to believe (or dishonest to claim) that there was no cheating (Democrats voting for dead parents, or ballot harvesting) and thus all Republicans that complain are just conspiracy theorists?
  • 2020 Democrat Reaction - Democrats prove voter fraud by their reaction to the election. Honest winners don't act that way.
    Honest winners don't act that way. What happened to Joe's promise to declare victory until after the votes were certified? (He didn't). If they honestly won, they would want vindication for the win, not a cheap victory. They took the cheap one. Why? Instead of wanting to validate their win and get a real mandate, they bullied the other side, shut down investigations into problems, and did eveyrthing they could to silence/suppress/harass the other side. Those aren't the actions of people you should trust not to cheat.
  • 2020 Dominion - Dominion Voting System was rejected by Texas, Tenessee, New Mexico, Ohio and CISA issued a warning because of security failures. Smartmatic and others were only a little better.
    Dominion Voting System was rejected by Texas, Ohio and CISA issued a warning because of security failures. When a disputed election comes up, the states that approved Dominion are getting more a self caused mess than the ones that rejected it. Democrats Amy Klobucher, Elizabeth Warren and Ron Wydden admitted worries that Dominion was potentially a threat for voter fraud/manipulation during the Democrat Primaries. Dominion was caught misappropriating 3,000 votes from Trump and giving them to Biden in Antim County Michigan. Yet it was used in 24 states, and 5 of 6 disputed ones. Smartmatic and others were only a little better and brought up issues of their own.
  • 2020 Election Fraud Witnesses - There were multiple witnesses that testified in affidavits that they saw multiple crimes committed.
    The degree of whistebloweres is unprecedented. There were multiple witnesses that testified in affidavits that they saw multiple crimes committed.
  • Multiple USPS whistleblowers that were ordered to backdate ballots
  • Poll watchers kicked out of auditing
  • Poll watchers that saw questionable things
  • Illegal ballot harvesting
  • Illegal ballot drop-offs : 2 AM deliveries of boxes of ballots (after hours) with no chain of custody
  • 2020 Foreign Interference - Democrats complain for 5 years about foreign interference in 2016. Then are shocked when Republicans believe it in 2020.
    Democrats complain for 5 years about foreign interference in 2016. Then are shocked when Republicans believe it in 2020. You don't get two standards based on party. There was 1,000 times the evidence of foreign interference in 2020 than there was in 2016. That doesn't mean either was swayed, it means you don't get to condemn the one with more evidence and support the one with less, and not be a hypocrite. Pick one standard.
  • 2020 Hammer and Scorecard - Hammer and Scorecard was developed to manipulate voter tallies in foreign elections. Some claim it was used here.
    Hammer and Scorecard was Hardware and Software developed to manipulate voter tallies in foreign elections, and some are claiming it was used against the American people in 2020, in ways that are showing up as election anomalies. While possible, there is little direct evidence, just circumstancial.
  • 2020 Late night vote spikes - High one-party districts or clusters (vote spikes), do happen. But a pause and spike in 4 swing cities at the same time? All the data anomolies, trashed ballots, etc.
    High one-party districts or clusters, do happen. But there are limits that stress credulity. Places that halt the vote because too many are coming in for Trump, then the next morning the total number has changed (after they said they'd stopped the vote), and they were coming in with implausible ratios? There is evidence of data fraud, glitches that were only found when people complained (all favoring Biden), there were trashed ballots. That does and SHOULD raise suspicion and auditing. That's not a conspiracy theory, that's common sense. Validate it, or there will always rightly be a cloud of doubt. Democrats blocked validation, thus the cloud remains among any with critical thinking skills.
  • 2020 Lawsuits - Evidence in the Michigan Lawsuit demonstrated some serious problems in the 2020 election.
    Evidence in the Michigan Lawsuit demonstrated some serious problems in the 2020 election. The far left and their media claims no evidence of wrongdoing -- but 20 witnesses testifying on laws being broken. People can disagree on whether that was enough to swing the election, but those claiming there's no evidence of wrongdoing are not informed.
  • 2020 Mark Zuckerberg - Mark Zuckerberg is a far lefty, and "helped" with campaign drop-boxes and ballot harvesting that were illegal.
    Mark Zuckerberg is a far lefty, and "helped" with campaign drop-boxes and ballot harvesting that were illegal. Not only was ballot drop-boxes and harvesting that happened ruled illegal, but the whole thing was an illegal campagin contribution. And it empowers the whole 2000 Mules argument. (Even if not true, it is plausible and should be questioned; so they injected doubt in the legitimacy of Biden and American election integrity). One small part of it is on a CTCL scandal. But it's far bigger than that.
  • 2020 Mike Lindell - Mike Lindell was attacked because he has experts that believe something very bad happened, and can explain it.
    Mike Lindell was attacked because he has experts that believe something very bad happened, and can explain it. Again, it doesn't matter if he's right or wrong -- what matters is that he sincerely believes it, and instead of just answering his questions and shutting it down, the left chose to attack him professionally and try to destroy him. I think he's probably wrong, but the way the left handled it was more wrong and raises suspicions.
  • 2020 Poll Observers blocked - Poll observers (required by law) were blocked. Videos emerge of training poll counters how to obstruct Poll Watchers.
    Poll observers (required by law) are blocked. The poll counters cheer as GOP watchers are removed. Then videos emerge of their training where they are teaching poll counters how to obstruct the Republicans from watching the count (and laugh about it). When they fight in court against allowing observers, and lose, and still they delay, obstruct and don't allow them to watch. They put cardboard boxes up over the windows so people can't see in. Then when they are forced to finally allow them in, after hundreds of thousands of votes magically go to Biden, and they are told 6' distance, so then they move the machine tables away further so people can't see what's going on. Even then they only allow a ratio of 3:1 Dem to Republican observers. When the poll counters are wearing Biden campaign hats. That's a red flag -- and it demands a recount.
  • 2020 Polls disasterously wrong - I was right that the polls were going to be wrong. They were off by over 17 points in many cases. This is vote manipulation.
    I was right that the polls were going to be wrong. They were off by over 17 points in many cases. Which means that CNN, WaPo, 538, NYT and all their experts were either incompetent, liars or both. I think both. Whether they were willfully ignorant, fraudulent or incompetent doesn't change that this was a form of Voter Fraud: they manipulated voters with a false beliefs, just like FakeNews, Bias, selective fact checking, lies of omissions and censorship does.
  • 2020 Statistical Outliers - There's statistical outliers, and there's multiple 1 in 1 trillion outliers. 2020 was the latter.
    There's statistical outliers, and there's multiple 1 in 1 trillion outliers. 2020 was the latter. If you flipped a coin and it landed on it's edge, 5 times in a row, would you be suspicious? That's what this is about -- multiple way, way outside the norm improbabilities. Again, they don't have to be right, they just have to be improbable enough that questioning the results is reasonable. And we're way past that.
  • 2020 Unhackable voting machines - Democrats claimed that Dominion was unhackable, and not connected to the Internet. Evidence shows those both were lies.
    Democrats claimed that the Dominion voting machines were unhackable (ignoring evidence to the contrary), and claimed the machines were not even connected to the Internet -- but data logs in Arizona and elsewhere show that they were connected to the Internet, and very, very hackable. And before 2020 results, they were very vocal about the flaws of voting machines. That doesn't mean they were hacked -- but it means that Democrats should not have opposed audits and infosec to get to the bottom of the issue, they shouldn't whine that these things are a problem for them and then try to defend them when Republicans complain too. Opposing transparency, and lying about capabilities, both created more suspicion.
  • 2020 Vindication - If you believed you won fairly, and people doubted, you'd *DEMAND* a recount and vindication, not hide from it.
    In a righteous election with some shaky events, the winner would *DEMAND* investigations and proof of vindication (to avoid any cloud of suspicion). Those trying to obstruct it, would be doing so because they don't believe in either vote integrity, or they believe/know the truth will work against them.
  • 2020 Vote Ratios - Ratios matter; it's how we detect fraud.
    Ratios matter. But we can look at ratios with Clinton and Obama and know loosely how things are going to break down. When a voter dump, or some districts are coming in far, far exceeding historical norms, that's a blinking red flag that needs to be validated. When Trump exceeds Obama with minorities in all other areas of the nation, except for where there are massive vote dumps in the middle of the night in swing states, that all break for Joe Biden? And those areas are renowned for voter corruption or kicking out vote watchers? And they won't audit? You either get why people are questioning the results, or you're a partisan/fool.
  • 2021.02.04 Stealing 2020 Electionl - Time ran a piece going into details on the conspiracy by Deep State, BigTech, Media to interfere with the election.
    Time ran a piece going into details on the conspiracy by Deep State, BigTech, Media to interfere with the election -- how they conspired, colluded to misinform and manipulate the public for the purpose of preventing Trump from winning fairly. This is called election interference, cheating, stealing an election, or all the things the Dems denied happened.
  • J6 Lies - The more the left lied about J6, the less credible they are on the election.
    The more the left lied about J6, the less credible they are on the election. Winners can be gracious. Losers that are afraid of getting caught over-act. The drama and histrionics proves that they need to bully the other side into shutting up.


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Election 2020
Election 2020 - The polls were off, the media/Social was manipulative, the counts are dubious, and there was cheating.

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