Air Rifle

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Reload TimesAir Rifle
While others had flintlocks, the Austrian Arm was using 22 shot .46 caliber repeater, you could hunt bear/elk with.
While others had flintlocks, the Austrian Arm was using 22 shot .46 caliber repeater, you could hunt bear/elk with.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-05-01 
Air Rifle
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Joe Mantegna popping rounds though a Girandoni 18th Century replica (the second gun). He's not even trying to rapid fire it: he could go much faster. More at: Air Rifles

Before you laugh at air rifles (BB guns), the 1790 Girandoni that Thomas Jefferson owned could fire 22 shots of .46 caliber lead balls (at 800fps), reload the tube with 22 more shots, and do it again. Each shot could take down a bear or elk (easily kill a human). It was used by the Austrian Army for a couple of generations, but they were expensive to make, and American invented cartridges obsoleted everything else (cartridges are powder, brass, bullets, and primer in one).

The Girandoni was used on the Lewis and Clark expedition to demonstrate to local Indian tribes the kind of magical firepower they had and that is why no Indian tribe attacked them. (They were terrified of the "Fires Forever" gun).

Modern big bore air rifles go up to .50 (or .80) caliber and can be fully automatic (>10 rounds per second), and the lethality should not be mocked. Though because they are much quieter (can be silenced more) and still have limited rounds, they would work "better" for the sniper kind of attacks -- the problem is that kind of mass murders are often deadlier, and last longer, and are harder to deal with.

Videos[edit | edit source]

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9mm fully automatic (800fps) w/10 round magazines can easily kill on each shot


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Gun Bans
Gun bans of one model/kind of gun can't work. And gun bans of all kinds has never worked.

Reload Times
There's a fallacy amongst the ignorant that limiting magazines to 10 rounds will help against mass shooters. If only.

Removable Magazines
Magazine limits can't help, mass shooters haven't been disarmed reloading, because reloading magazines is too quick.

Fixed Magazines
There's virtually no difference in reloading removable or fixed magazines, outlawing the former is just an annoyance.

There's almost no difference in reloading removable or rotary magazines, magazine limits only annoy the law abiding.

Pump Action
Pump actions are fast, easy, and easy to make.

Lever Action
Lever actions are as fast (rate of fire) as a semi-automatic, but more compact/reliable, with just a little skill.

Bolt Action
Bolt Actions can dump 38 shots per minute, hitting a target at 300 yards. Explain how slowing shot placement is a net win.

Break Action
You can reload a break action gun faster than someone can charge. Let alone if you had a spare gun.

Air Rifle
While others had flintlocks, the Austrian Arm was using 22 shot .46 caliber repeater, you could hunt bear/elk with.

Tags: Gun Bans  Reload  Removable Magazines  Fixed Magazines  Revolvers  Pump Action  Lever Action  Bolt Action  Break Action  Air Rifle

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