All in the family

From iGeek
This was a loved TV show, that had a "lovable bigot"... but it was really failed propaganda.
This was a loved TV show, that had a "lovable bigot"... but it was really failed propaganda.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-06-22 

The goal of Archie Bunker was to create hate and pity for bigots, and create progressive propaganda (re-programming by Hollywood for an ignorant public).

But they failed at their goal, the public saw lovable flawed people, that they enjoyed. Like family members. Instead of teaching woke intolerance, they desensitized people and taught them to look past the flaws, and see the person underneath and understand that the others don't always look at the world the same way you do, and that's OK.

Cavett Show
YouTube Logo 2017.svg

Carroll O'Connor 1971 -- talking about how you were intended to pity the character.


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Basics of Propaganda: understanding differences between white, black and grey propaganda.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000070A-QINU`"'

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