Alt-Liberty (small)
From iGeek
There's real liberty, and the left's version (Alternate Liberty) - they have very little in common.
Real liberty is about arguing with people who don't do what you want, but letting them do it anyways. Telling them not to say things, or arguing against it, but letting them do it anyways. It's about championing your causes, by trying to win in public opinion, not using the tyranny of the majority (50%+1 of votes) to force laws or authority to take away their right to do it. Remember, a law/regulation/tax is the point where a bully says, "do it, or I'll have this government goon take you property, liberty or life".
Alt-Liberty, Left Lies • [18 items]
- Anti-American - If your org/agendas works against America, American Values, the Constitution, or rule of law, then that's anti-American.
- Anti-Americans - If your interests work against America, the Constitution, American values, traditions, laws, you are an anti-American.
- Backpage - Obama admin DOJ shut down Backpage and arrested the founders for the not being Craigslist (and paying off Democrats).
- Corporate Personhood & Citizens United - The left hates blind/fair Justice. The CU ruling said that Unions, Churches, Marriages would all be treated the same.
- Democratic Tolerance - Judge a man (or a party) by their actions. This is about what the Democrats have done recently.
- EPA - After the States cleaned up, the EPA was created to take credit. Then screw things up.
- Eighteenth Amendment - Progressive Democrats (and Women's Sufferage) drove Alcohol Prohibition (18th Amendment), and it was a disaster.
- Eighth Amendment - Eighth Amendment says, "...nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted". 1972 the left invented that meant Capital Punishment.
- FCC - FCC was created so FDR could bully any TV/Radio stations that did unfavorable pieces on the administration.
- FDA - FDA was created because of a propaganda scam (The Jungle), to cure problems that barely existed, and they made worse.
- First Amendment - The left opposes Free Speech, Freedom of Religion, or "Hate Speech" and Disinformation, which is anything they don't like.
- Fourth Amendment - Democrats/left are so against the 2A, that they're willing to sacrifice all our other civil rights, including the 4th.
- Gun Control - Gun Control is about people control.
- Party of fear - The lefts two biggest tools are envy, fear, and finger pointing to distract; used to manipulate their constituents.
- Plastic Bag Bans - Plastic Bag Bans are anti-environmentalism, anti-economics, and hurts people, and the left loves them.
- Second Amendment - America was founded on, "Guns are liberties teeth". If government doesn't trust the public, then Government is the problem.
- Sixth Amendment - The left supports secret hearings to strip you of your rights, based on shoddy or made-up evidence, because "guns are scary".
- Smoking - Persecuting smoking and smokers is a modern witch hunt among the left, to the point of being anti-Science.
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