Alt-War (small)
From iGeek
There's the real history of war (what, why, how), and the progressive/left version. They only vaguely resemble each other.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-10-15 |
Alternate War - I'm not a fan of war, that's why I read a ton about it and studied it. Those who don't know the past, can't learn from it. Those who do know the past, are doomed to watch others NOT learn from it.
Alt-War, Left Lies • [9 items]
- 9-11 - 9/11 brought us together for a moment, then the left saw an opportunity to politicize and divide us, and took it.
- Bush lied - Bush didn't lie: the world's intelligence disagreed on specifics, but all agreed that Saddam was trying to get WMD's.
- Civil War and Slavery - To the simple, the Civi War was good v evil, and all about Slavery. To informed adults? Far more complexity.
- Dropping the Bomb - The "defeated Japan” theory, is the idea that “the U.S. didn’t NEED to drop the bomb”, American did it because we are bad.
- Halliburton - NYT invented “evil conspiracy” to pay off a company for cheating us. The rubes believed it.
- Military industrial complex - Ike warned about Iron Triangles (collusion between Government, Politicians and Business), not just the military.
- Mohammad Mosaddegh - Myths; democratically elected, freedom fighter, overthrown in CIA coup, then America put in our puppet (the Shah).
- Native American Genocide - There's an oft-spread lie that America committed Genocide on Native Americans. Massacres and Genocide are not the same things.
- War - War, what is it good for? Democrats seem to like is as a tool for dividing us. (Imagined Imperialism).
👁️ See also
- Alt-War - There's the real history of war (what, why, how), and the progressive/left version. They only vaguely resemble each other.
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