A two-faced, hypocritical, crazy-uncle Socialist that preys on hippies who want free stuff. A two-faced, hypocritical, crazy-uncle Socialist, whose only accomplishments in life was winning an election by loser hippies that wanted free stuff. |
~ Aristotle Sabouni Created: 2015-07-28
I constantly read fawning articles and blogs about Sanders.[1] I really don’t care who you like or want to vote for. (Though I do feel embarrassed for the papers bad journalism). But I really only care what truths you’ll sacrifice for your agenda. And most Sanders supporters either don’t know about the guy, or think that lies are OK. Here's what I found doing a little research.
Left |
Right |
He's a nice democratic socialist, which just means he wants us to be more like Socialist Scandinavia, but he's honest, moderate, and successful. |
He was a radical socialist and a failure, that has accomplished little but figuring out how to mooch off a hippie state by telling them he was their man to get the free stuff (take stuff from others). Scandinavia is far from utopia, and they are not socialist. And he’s a bit two-faced, like he plays anti-war, except for his support of the wars in Afghanistan, Libya, Kosovo, and for the F-35 or any military program in his state. He talks the working man, while he made millions off the government and has multiple homes. And so on. |
Bernies Early Years -
Bernie's started as extreme as they come; Young Socialists League member who never met an individual liberty he liked (at least more than the collectives power). As someone joked, he'd make a good President... of Sweden: but that's not true, since they are much more pro-Business than he thinks; even they don't believe in killing the Golden Goose of business like he does.
Bernie and English -
I know english is hard, but it is his native language. He tweeted that a bunch of nouns were adjectives, showing he knows as much about the English Language as he does about economics. Then there's the fact that the tweet misses on logic and reality: it is Wall St.'s capital liquidity and investment that has enabled the U.S.'s economic growth and jobs.
Bernie and Socialists Despots -
60 Minutes did a puff piece on Bernie, and the one biting segment that showed a 1980s era clip of him praising Castro. Bernie defended it with, "he educated their kids, gave them health care".... true. And Hitler was great with children and dogs, as long as they weren't Jewish children or dogs.
Bernie getting outplayed, twice -
A little long with all Bernie's dancing/dodging/distracting. But the basics are Bernie believes that 51% of the population can vote away others people's rights... even if they don't have the right to do that individually. When he loses, you get to see a petulant little man that can't hold his own intellectually, and has a polite tantrum and leaves.
Bernie on Cuba -
In a Jane Fonda moment, Bernie told an American political prisoner in Cuba, "I don't know what's so wrong with Cuba", while the prisoner was rotting in Prison during the Obama Administration (circa 2014).
Bernie on Gun Control -
Grandpa Marx has a 4-point plan that would achieve nothing and came from far left everytownUSA. (1) Universal background checks (2) gun show loophole (3) Assault weapons ban (4) No "Straw-man" purchases. Only they are already illegal, and don't work, except for Assault Weapons which is a made up term, and means no plastic accessories?
Bernie on Vietnam -
Sander told High School Students that the U.S. had committed acts in its war with Vietnam that were “almost as bad as what Hitler did.” To be fair, that was back during his 1972 gubernatorial run, but even then you have to be a special kind of idiot to think a few crazy soldiers going rogue is the same as institutionalize mass murder and human experimentation.
Bernie on War -
In War Hawk <-> Dove spectrum, he’s not the anti-War candidate the left pretends. He's for war materials, as long as they come out of his state (F-35, and Gattling Guns). He supported the Iraq war. He was conscientious objector during the Vietnam war, but that was strictly to dodge the draft. He was for bombing in Kosovo/Yugoslavia and Libya.
Bernie on the Issues -
His entire Political History is being a social justice warrior and a Socialist. Actually a National Socialist wrapped in the Camouflage of Democrat Socialist. But any of those mean the opposite of a civil libertarian / individualist. No private property, and without the right to own what's yours, you have no real freedom (civil liberties). Everyone is a slave equally.
Bernie-ethics -
Like Obama and Hillary before him, he appears to be taking in many illegal donations. The media looks the other way, I mean what could he do? Put something on his site to filter by country? Oh wait, that would take no time — you have to enable foreign credit cards as an option. Tell me again how Democrats care about election integrity.
Bernienomics -
Bernie is wrong about everything economic, sociologically, politicially. From the Gini Coefficient, to Gender Wage Gap, Keynesianism, The Broken Window Fallacy, Income inequality, vanishing middle class, and other scams, claims that China did more to end poverty than any other country? His dimmer than a 5 watt bulb, with no power.
Is Bernie Anti-Liberty -
Someone debated with me that Bernie didn't want to take anyone's liberty away and make us less free... other than taking their income, less free speech, businesses and consumers not being able to charge/pay what's fair, preferences based on race/gender, and a dozen other regulations for our own good.
NYT Kavanaugh Smear -
Acting as a DNC's mouthpiece, the NYT published a hit-piece by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, who were promoting their book attacking Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for being a sexual harasser. Fake News.
Project Veritas exposes Bernie Sanders campaign -
Project Veritas undercover video caught Bernie operatives Kyle Jurek (Iowa Field Organizer) and Daniel Taylor, Martin Weissgerber, Mason Baird and Daniel Taylor (South Carolina Field Organizers) saying vile things about throwing their opposition in gulags (or put to death), calls for violence, and explaining that Bernie really is a far left Marxist that will demand communism once in office, but they need to lay low during the election process. The media has all but suppressed that information because it shows what a fanatic one of the top candidate for the DNC is, or at least his campaign staffers are. Can you imagine them suppressing the news if any Trump campaign staffer was a KKK member or calling for violent overthrow of the other side? Yeah, me neither.
But let's ignore that Sanders is not electable in a general election, and that America (at large) does not want a Jewish National Socialist failure of a man, polarizing and dividing the country by vilifying americans (for not giving up more of their freedom), attacking minorities (like the rich, gun owners, religious), and empowering the collective over individuals. So let's ignore common sense, and pretend he could win.
Even if he won, there's only two choices:
The only way Sanders could be a tidal wave shift in politics, is if he won with the landslides Reagan did (and got Congress/Senate as well) to have any traction, and there doesn't appear to be any hope of that. Otherwise he'd be a lame duck from day one, as feckless and incompetent as his miserable little hippie life has been (railing against the man, while desperately trying to become the tyrant he always imagine CEO's to be): with no support from the legislative branch (or people). All air. So he stands a minuscule chance of winning, but a far far smaller chance of being transformative or even moderately accomplished.
But let's smoke some of his pot, play make-believe, and visit the delusional world of his supporters. Pretend he not only wins, but wins in a landslide (gets both houses to go with him), and they get the legislative majorities to do everything they want in their first two years (like Obama had). Even if that did happen, it still that wouldn't be a tidal shift from Obama (like Reagan was with Carter), it would just be more of the same, only worse. And all that he would do, if he did get that landslide, is divide and polarize America even more (by generation, income and geography), and probably lead to insurrection. (He's closer to being the next Lincoln than the next Reagan).
Progressive ideals (one group telling others what they should do, "for their own good") always leads to more friction and polarization. And that's the heart of Bernie's message. Some might think tolerance at gunpoint is worth it, to get what they want, but control freaks always get resistance. Thus there would be more friction, violence, and backlash -- as always happens when revolutionaries get control. Then what? Does he ignore it (and prove the incompetence of government), or more likely, crack down on it, in the name of security, and turn us into a hippie police state? I see that as a choice of bad or badder.
So the only real question is would Bernie squeak out a win (and have zero power/influence), or win in landslide (highly unlikely) and lead to a highly contentious Presidency (more than Obama), and be the straw that broke the camels back and cause 4+ years of civil unrest? I don't see a path where Bernie can transform America into anything better, and thus to me, his supporters are deluding themselves if they think otherwise. Like everything else in his life, all roads lead to failure until he learns to grow from his past, and rethinks his entire philosophy in life. But if he's made it to 74 with the philosophy of an angry teenage hippie, wanting to live in his Mommy-State's basement and have his parents give him a bigger allowance, then there's little hope in him wizening up soon. But I think his life and views are serving as a great warning to the next generations: "don't be like Bernie".
👁️ See also
Memes/People/Bernie -
Bernienomics is like Santa Claus meets Joseph Stalin, what's yours is ours, and what's ours is mine
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People This is the root for finding info on people
Politics Power relations between individuals or groups, such as the distribution of resources or status.
The Left Lies When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you can grow (change) or lie. The left usually chooses the latter.
Alt-People There's people, and then there's popular narratives that we tell about people.
History Tales on the parts of history that have been ignored, suppressed, or lied about.
Anti-Americans If your interests work against America, the Constitution, American values, traditions, laws, you are an anti-American.
Democrats The problem isn't Democrats criticizing Republican incivility, it's that they don't hold their side to the same standard.
Socialists This is a list of a few people who are Socialists.
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