
From iGeek
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The concept that the human mind can be programmed by choice or against our will. The alternative is we're immutable.
Mind/though control, coercive persuasion, and re-education is the reality that the human mind can be altered or programmed by certain psychological techniques -- like repetitive reinforcement, reward/punishment, stimulus response. If we can't program the brain, then we're immutable meat machines with no free will or hope for change/reform.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2002-10-08 

Brain washing is a pretty simple process, and if you want to learn about it, just study any religion. Some of these techniques include;

  • Repetitive reinforcement, positive and negative reinforcement, marketing and spin (only telling one side of an issue), and so on, are all forms of mind control. Stimulus response or reward/punishment are all ways to "teach" or "train" people (and their minds). Good things get rewarded, bad things get punished, and you have traditional aversion therapy; a mild form of brainwashing.
    • I use this to form new habits (or break old ones). I wanted to start swimming again, so I did. Days I went, I could sit in the Jacuzzi for a few minutes, or sometimes get Avacado Toast. Little rewards for going, to re-inforce the behavior. Once you do something for a few weeks, it becomes habit (and we like patterns).
  • Subjective interpretation is common; I've heard the same passage represent many contradictory things, depending on the mood of the pastor. Eroding a persons confidence in their own views (and interpretations) by changing what things means or how to interpret them, and reinforcing the ìone trueî pastoral interpretation, is a way to teach people to give up their free will, and accept the will of others. (Like those interpreting the will of God for you).
  • Keeping people awake and fatigue after long stressful activities and the brain becomes more pliable and willing to agree and believe in anything (to end the fatigue). And things accepted when tired, seem to burn in during sleep and be more believed.
  • Deny the brain protein, and offer it sugars, and it tend to be both more pliable, and willing to etch paths (learn messages, and harder to unlearn them). Think of bake sales, or church social functions, which tend to be high on sugars, and low on substance. Reward for going.
  • Put a human under emotional stress, especially around love, acceptance or confession; and again, you can more easily etch things in that person. This is again the same pattern, with the good being godly and rewarded (like confession and getting forgiveness), and bad being punished (guilt, judgment, and so on.) And we try to center lots of emotional event to the church, as a way to tie those emotions together.
  • Peer pressure and social acceptance. Do this and you get love and friends (social acceptance). Break the rules and you get scorn or may lose the love/attention of others.
  • Repetition like chanting, hymns, or just prayer is also a form of etching and brain washing. Anything that you do over and over is a way to wear down the brains resistance. This is best understood by telling someone a lie, or asking them to repeat it. In an amazingly short time, those people will believe the lie, and defend it to the death. Music is also fun and stress relieving, so part of that feedback of enjoyment.

Brainwashing isn't difficult, and these techniques have been used for millennia. We have far less resistance to this stuff that most realize, and many people know how to use it. When your church does it is enthusiastic religion. When your organizations or schools do it, it is called "teaching". When your therapists or support groups do it, it is called therapy. When people that you don't like do it, it is cultist brainwashing. But they're the same techniques.


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We need to agree on what terms mean. This used to be easy, before SJW's/Marxists started Orwelling our language.

Religious Truths
Religion is a mirror on out soul, it tells others who we are, and what we believe.

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