Religious Truths

From iGeek
Religion is a mirror on out soul, it tells others who we are, and what we believe.
Religion is a mirror on out soul, it tells others who we are, and what we believe. I've studied a lot of world religions, and have an interest in many of them. There's an old saying, that you need to be open-minded, but not so open-minded that your brains fall out. So the trick is to listen, read, learn and make the best decisions you can.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2002-10-08 
💭 Background
  • I've studied a lot of world religions, and have interest in many of them.
  • I went to private schools up until the 3rd grade, and later went to Sunday school and a religious University.
  • I had a friend that became a priest, and a few other people I've known who were pastors, religious or philosophical scholars.
  • I've read the Bible a few times, (old and new testament), and have read other religious texts; scanned the book of Mormon, read many Asian philosophical teachings, and so on. (I really want to read the Koran).
  • I find religion (people's beliefs) fascinating.
  • That being said, I've been asked at various times about my religion. I used to say I'm an atheist, but a lot of them are intolerant dicks. So I opt for more humble agnostic.

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • There's an old saying, that you need to be open minded, but not so open minded that your brains fall out. So the trick is to listen, read, learn and make the best decisions you can, based on the information at hand, and keep studying and learning to see if you can make a better decision, or if more facts can change your mind.
  • I'm still a fact-based and hyper logical person. And with that in mind, there just is not enough evidence (or any evidence) to support the concept of a God. And human religions over anthoporphize God(s) in their own image. But there's also not enough evidence to rule out that there is a God or devine intervention either.
  • I'm not a fanatic, that believes in being rude to others about their beliefs. I don't think people that believe in God(s) are fools, or bad people. My brother is religious, and I love him, and have no problems with him praying for me, nor do I want to "educate" him, or make him follow my world-view, any more than I fit perfectly into his. I still will go to Church for various occasions, and take no offense at listening to sermons or others trying to teach me the happiness that they have in their lives. Many pious people (Priests, Rabbi's, Pastors and holy men) are fascinating and well educated, and I love discussing their religions with them and learning more about their views of history and their religious relics, rituals and texts.
  • Blocking religious freedoms like non denominational moment of silece for Prayer in school, removing "in God we trust" off our currency, or "under God" out of our pledge of allegience, is just people trying to control others. (Insecurity). Don't sweat the little things; and show some tolerance for others beliefs. If they aren't saying which God, it is not a violation of church and state to me. And tolerance needs to be learned by all religions, even the religions of the left/progressivism/secular atheism. I do want to prevent the slippery slope of a state controlled religion, but this is not that.

History of the world...[edit | edit source]

Religious syms.svg

You can go to any culture around the world, and they will create a religion. They even have similarities in stories. But you need to look at it from a sociologically or anthropological view. What motivates the people and the religion? There are reasons for all the stories creations, and it isn't that hard to figure out.

  • Why is there the history of the flood? Easy, if you look around, almost anywhere in the world, it has been under water at one time, and if you dig, you can find shells, fossils and bones. The priests need to explain why; so they make up a story about a flood, which seems to make sense.
  • Why did the flood happen? That's easy, the priests just explain it off as people not following the priest's teachings; so you better listen to them (and tithe properly and so on). Gods coincidentally, support the religions of the priests.
  • Why is there a heaven and hell (or reincarnation/afterlife)? Easy, if you look around, people want justice. Since there often isn't justice on this earth, and too much efforts at getting it (personally) would lead to anarchy, so there needs to be payback and reward in the "next life" to mollify and motivate people to do the right thing (or not do the wrong thing) in this one.
  • Why is there an afterlife (or something after death)? Because it is easier to face death if you don't have to face the truth that things just end. I don't want to stop being, and I don't think anyone does. So stories about mansions, palaces, or many virgins at my disposal for leading a Godly life, seem to be pretty nice platitudes playing to my weaknesses. And all it takes is me giving up free will and part of my income to the church.

All the stories and religions are built around a few things;

  1. rituals to reinforce the religion (and bond a community together)
  2. rituals to empower the church or its leaders
  3. platitudes to make people feel better (and want to stay in the religion)
  4. clique type peer pressure and social rewards for belonging
  5. threats for those who don't follow the rules, and so on.

In other words, all the things progressives require to belong to their clique, or be a good member of society that they will treat with respect. (E.g. progressivism is a Religion, and not a very tolerant one).

Churches and religions are about power, and mind control. In fact, most of the things that people claim are "cults" and "brainwashing" techniques are used by every religion. Of course those terms have negative connotation... some fairly, some unfairly. But the questions I have is (a) is the person going in doing so willingly? (b) is what they're re-inforcing good behavior for their betterment or that of society? If they are, and in Judeo-Christian religions (and arguably most religions), they are. Then connotations don't matter, outcomes matter.

Brainwashing[edit source]

           Main article: Brainwashing

Brain washing is a pretty simple process, and if you want to learn about it, just study any religion. Some of these techniques include;

  • Repetitive reinforcement, positive and negative reinforcement, marketing and spin (only telling one side of an issue), and so on, are all forms of mind control. Stimulus response or reward/punishment are all ways to "teach" or "train" people (and their minds). Good things get rewarded, bad things get punished, and you have traditional aversion therapy; a mild form of brainwashing.
    • I use this to form new habits (or break old ones). I wanted to start swimming again, so I did. Days I went, I could sit in the Jacuzzi for a few minutes, or sometimes get Avacado Toast. Little rewards for going, to re-inforce the behavior. Once you do something for a few weeks, it becomes habit (and we like patterns).
  • Subjective interpretation is common; I've heard the same passage represent many contradictory things, depending on the mood of the pastor. Eroding a persons confidence in their own views (and interpretations) by changing what things means or how to interpret them, and reinforcing the ìone trueî pastoral interpretation, is a way to teach people to give up their free will, and accept the will of others. (Like those interpreting the will of God for you).
  • Keeping people awake and fatigue after long stressful activities and the brain becomes more pliable and willing to agree and believe in anything (to end the fatigue). And things accepted when tired, seem to burn in during sleep and be more believed.
  • Deny the brain protein, and offer it sugars, and it tend to be both more pliable, and willing to etch paths (learn messages, and harder to unlearn them). Think of bake sales, or church social functions, which tend to be high on sugars, and low on substance. Reward for going.
  • Put a human under emotional stress, especially around love, acceptance or confession; and again, you can more easily etch things in that person. This is again the same pattern, with the good being godly and rewarded (like confession and getting forgiveness), and bad being punished (guilt, judgment, and so on.) And we try to center lots of emotional event to the church, as a way to tie those emotions together.
  • Peer pressure and social acceptance. Do this and you get love and friends (social acceptance). Break the rules and you get scorn or may lose the love/attention of others.
  • Repetition like chanting, hymns, or just prayer is also a form of etching and brain washing. Anything that you do over and over is a way to wear down the brains resistance. This is best understood by telling someone a lie, or asking them to repeat it. In an amazingly short time, those people will believe the lie, and defend it to the death. Music is also fun and stress relieving, so part of that feedback of enjoyment.

Brainwashing isn't difficult, and these techniques have been used for millennia. We have far less resistance to this stuff that most realize, and many people know how to use it. When your church does it is enthusiastic religion. When your organizations or schools do it, it is called "teaching". When your therapists or support groups do it, it is called therapy. When people that you don't like do it, it is cultist brainwashing. But they're the same techniques.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]


There is no doubt that mankind has a need for answers and belonging. There is no doubt that religion fulfills both of those for some. There is no doubt that men can be brainwashed and programmed. I call us "wetware", like software or hardware. We can program ourselves, and frankly it isn't that hard, and the techniques are well known. Many or most of these techniques have been used first and foremost by the religions of the world. So the only question left is that despite the fact that religions are about brainwashing, and playing to man's needs, all for their own personal and organizational gain, are they right or wrong? It is still possible that despite skewed methods, or the moral extortion, and so on, that the priests and the religion is still right. And that the church itself is a test of faith, against all reason and evidence to the contrary. But I'm not one that has that kind of faith.

I do believe that there is something to be learned from all religions. All of their stories, rites and rituals, have a purpose. And I can learn from those. And ultimately I don't think needing and belonging are bad things. And I do see the good that religions have done historically, as well as the bad. But religions have reflected mankind, not a higher being, in the most important area of all; their deeds. Religions have been used to start wars, torture people, mislead people, extort and exploit people, and to take power and money from some people and give it to others. It has also been used to build community, do great acts of charity and compassion, great acts of kindness and forgiveness, or helped people grow and live better lives. So it is a tool that has been abused, as well as being used for good. It is a dangerous tool, that must be respected, and learned from.

Religions to me are best as a tool to learn about people. They are a Rorschach inkblot of people's souls. If you want to understand someone, ask about his or her God or his or her belief. I've heard many that say their God is merciful, but then talk about how all the non-chosen will roast in hell for all eternity; which reflects true intentions. Others have said, "my God would not punish group X for not knowing him, but I will do my best to help them and others know my God"; that to me is a true merciful God to worship, and a truly merciful person.

So you can learn a lot about people based on the God they choose to worship, and based on what people believe.


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Religion is a mirror on out soul, what we believe reflects on who we are and how we live (or try to).

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