Canadian Freedom

From iGeek
Freedom Convoy 2022 Ottawa February 4-26.jpg
Canada doesn't yet have freedom, they have the illusion of freedom. On loan by Parlament, until they take it back.
A lot of people pretend that Canada is a free country, just because it has a semi-functioning Democracy (some of the time). But freedom/liberty is protection from the government, and they have few. And it is the inverse of Taxes/Regulations/Laws that restrict liberty/freedom, and they have many.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-02-17 

Cost[edit | edit source]

  • Canada has more expensive everything compared to the U.S.: Airfare, phone service, groceries, cars, and so on -- the reason is taxes, tariffs, regulations, and other things that may have some value -- but they do not increase freedom.
  • Canada has government-granted monopolies on Internet, cell phones, cable, power, and so on.
  • Education : Canada is more GPA (compliance/bureaucracy) focused, in the U.S. they can take other things into account, creativity, accomplishment, or just ability and willingness to pay. Private education is a sign of freedom and a free market. Government-only (or mostly) is a sign of less.
  • Smoking: I don't smoke, but banning it nationally isn't what liberty looks like
  • No constitutionally recognized rights, more just Parlamentary granted privileges (that can be revoked)

Taxes[edit | edit source]

You're only as free (economically) as your tax basis (that's how much a slave to the state you are. If more of what you make goes to the government (in Taxes) than yourself, then you're more slave than a freeman. In Canada, you're like 75% slave assuming you're a top earner/spender, and you look at the layed taxes and total costs.

  • Top income taxes are 33% (national) + 15-25% for your Provence ≈53% max
  • + 5% GST (VAT) on almost every good or service you buy + 0-10% for your province +10% Luxury Tax on some items ≈25% max
  • + 38% Corporate Tax + 3-15% Provincial tax ≈53%
    • if you own a corporation, then you pay that on top...
    • if you work for a corporation or bought a good or service for one, then they paid that tax for you, before paying you or selling you the good/service. Meaning the tax is hidden, but it was paid by the consumer/investor/employee

Laws[edit | edit source]

A law/regulation is usually used to restrict what you can do. It's the point where guys with guns will steal your property, liberty or life if you don't comply. So what aren't you free to do in Canada? Well, they have a Canadian Charter which is sort of like the Bill of Rights, except that they can more easily change it, or suspend it, and it has more exceptions and loopholes. So practically, there are some limits -- but also there are less protections for individuals as they are less strict about putting the individual above the group/state and it is easier to change/amend or re-imagine those rights away (partially or in whole).

  • 1A / Free Speech/Religion: In Canada, you can be imprisoned for "Hate speech". They arrested people for attending church wrong, or for expressing disatisfaction with COVID restrictions. The 1A wasn't created for speech government agrees with.
  • 2A / Right of Self Defense: In Canada, you can only have the guns that government wants to allow you -- you have no rights, just permissions. When only cops have guns, you live in a police state.
  • 4A (Privacy/Not to be Searched) - There's no overarching right to NOT be searched in Canada -- they will follow policies and procedures not to do it without probable cause, but they can change procedures when they want, and there's nothing to stop them.
  • 5A (Remain Silent) - Nothing like Miranda rights (right to an attorney). You do have a right to remain silent.
  • 9/10A (State Sovereignty) - there are few limits on federal overreach
  • Separation of powers - Parliamentary systems don't have as good of separation of powers to protect individuals against the ruling party. In practice, that their governments are usually run by the coalition, they often have some compromises required to limit absolute power by one party... but there are less protections agaist tyranny of the majority or the few, especially when one party gets control.
  • COVID - you need to look no further than how they handled COVID restrictions, putting people under house arrest, despite no evidence that they had a disease and were a threat to others. The way they limited protests, assaulted those who wouldn't comply. To see how free you aren't in Canada.

Related[edit | edit source]

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American Exceptionalism
Is America exceptional? Yes. In so many ways that uneducated, miseducated, or indoctrinated refuse to understand or admit.

Canada is the polite little Socialist parasite above America, globally irrelevant if not for the U.S. market.

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Tags: American Exceptionalism  Canada/all

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