Christian Nationalism
From iGeek
The latest dog whistle for the ignorati is the fake label of "Christian Nationalism" and fear porn around them breaking America.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-10-24 |
- Nationalism is better than the alternatives of internationalism or tribalism (intersectionality) -- and has a history of far less violence than the latter.
- Like it or not, America is and was a Christian nation. And it didn't lead to more violence, but less.
- The Separation_of_Church_and_State is a myth. At least in how it is being used. It's one out of context personal letter by Jefferson -- not a founding principal of America, or the letter of the law found anywhere in the Constitution itself. And it disagrees with the intent of most of the founding fathers.
Christianity has more tolerance towards other religions than other religions do.
That includes the religions of progressivism/leftism, environmentalism, socialism/marxism, Islam, etc. So while the left might not want us to be Christian -- we would have been a different country if we weren't.
So while the left might want us to be more like the USSR or USSA, as an agnostic, I'd far rather be ruled by Christians than by leftists. |
Guilt by association fallacy
FakeNews MSDNC is basically making the claim that Christians and Nationalists are Christian Nationalists. And that's bad. Why? Because other Nationalists (like Nazis / Fascists) were bad... nevermind that they weren't nationalists, were Socialists/Leftists/Progressives, and they weren't Christians first -- their religion was the cult of the state/democratic socialism.
Countries that want to take over other countries and rule the world aren't Nationalists, they're internationalists/imperialists. Like the U.N., New World Order, other other elitists.
Oh, and the National Socialists weren't conservatives that wanted to go back to the way things were, they tried to make a 3rd Reich and go towards the future/forward and make themselves into a socialist utopia. |
Christian Nationalists?
There might be some faction of people that call themselves Christian Nationalists that are a problem -- dunno, seems such a small group that it's irrelevant. There are more progressive democrats or democratic socialists, anti-fascists or pro-minorities or environmentalists prone to violence in America, that even if they really do exist in any numbers, they are not the highest order threat right now. MSNBC watchers, are far more prone to violence, based on recent history.
Doing a lot of hand-waiving that some are claiming, “we have rights that supersede government.” -- shows a profound ignorance about what the Declaration/Constitution claims are inalienable rights, endowed by our creator. That kinda ends the discussion on whether we were a Christian nation. |
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