Crossfit bans Facebook

From iGeek
Crossfit had enough of Facebooks arbitrary bans, unwritten rules, and general douchebaggery: so they banned them.
Crossfit had enough of Facebooks arbitrary bans, unwritten rules, and general douchebaggery: so they banned them. This happened after Facebook deleted the 1.6M user group: Banting7DayMealPlan, without warning or explanation, and reinstated it with equally poor communication.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-05-23 

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Crossfit had enough of Facebooks arbitrary bans, unwritten rules, and general douchebaggery: so they banned them.
  • This happened after Facebook deleted the 1.6M user group: Banting7DayMealPlan, without warning or explanation, and reinstated it with equally poor communication. While investigating the incident Crossfit realized how vile FB was as far as respecting Crossfits customer's privacy and security, and decided that their future/business should not be coupled with FB in any way.
  • Whether you agree with their assessment, I think goodonya to Crossfit for putting corporate responsibility above money/promotion.


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The root of all evil... and the home page for this website.

Facebook is 3 things: bad interface, bad management, and biased policies.

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