David Dix banned for bunny video

From iGeek
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FacebookDavid Dix banned for bunny video
A friend of mine kept getting FB banned for art photos, cat videos and some mild mannered political stuff.
A friend of mine posts a lot of the traditional stuff, art photos, cat videos, and he also has some Texas conservative views. So he got perma-banned for the high crime of posting 20 seconds of bunny video (with proper attribution and link-back), only 15 seconds is considered fair use. No warning, no real clarity, just your account has been removed for violating our terms.
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-06-01 

This was the video, without the voiceover.

Bunny fights back
YouTube Logo 2017.svg

Brave bunny fights off hungry hawk


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Facebook claims it's not partisan; just ignore their political contributions, bans, restrictions, etc.

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Tags: Facebook/Bans

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