Cattlegate: Futures Trading Miracle (1978)

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< Hillary Clinton
Hillary ClintonCattlegate: Futures Trading Miracle (1978)
First time Cattle Futures trader Hillary, make a 9,987% returns with perfect trades, Dems claim nothing fishy.
First time Cattle Futures trader Hillary, make a 9,987% returns with perfect trades, (done for her, by a scummy lawyer), then she never trades again. She claims she learned how on the Wall Street Journal, which doesn't talk about cattle futures. Democrats and Fake Fact Checkers claim nothing sounds fishy.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2017-05-24 

Without any experience, as a first time Cattle Futures trader (and wife of Governor), she gets a 9,987% return on investment in a few months, after, according to her, "reading the Wall Street Journal" (a paper that doesn't talk about Cattle Futures). With results like that, she decides to never trade stocks/commodities again. Suspicious?

So we're to believe that under the guidance of a few "friends" (her account being run by a lawyer for state poultry interests, through a disreputable broker) she turns $6,300 investment into $100K (a nice even number) in a few months, with shoddy and lost records, questionable trades, not enough money in her account to cover some of the $1.5M positions she bought/sold in the same day (anyone else would have had margin calls), and other eyebrow raising anomalies. Then her two partners in this (Bone and Refco) were suspended and fined respectively for improper records keeping. But nothing to see here, move along -- we're not supposed to question her integrity, or think that this might have been a payoff?

🗒️ Note:
There's a way of laundering money / payola, where the gifter of the graft makes multiple trades: the winning trades get credited in the giftees account, the losing ones are credited to your own, and thus for the cost of the losses, you get to launder those bribes. This is why this whole affair reeked of impropriety to investigators and anyone with a clue. But again, not quite enough evidence to prove Hillary wrong, and others took the fall. Hillary got away with a large sum of illegal money -or- despite being an idiot savant at it, she decided to never trade again. Which is more plausible?

Of course the fact checkers (Politifact, FactCheck, Snopes) choose not to check these facts, because they don't reflect well on Hillary -- while Republicans and others mention this one fairly often. Do you think such an obvious example of payoffs is "not newsworthy", or a lie of omission?


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PolitiFact is a far-left fake Fact Checker, created by far-left Tampa Bay Times and run by far-left Poynter Institute,.

Snopes started as fact-checking but devolved into a hybrid of fact checks and leftist advocacy.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary's scandals that the media ignored or diluted, but defined her, them and her supporters. They were OK with all of this.

Hillary Clinton
Hillary's scandals that the media ignored or diluted, but defined her, them and her supporters. They were OK with all of this.
Another far-left front posing as a non-partisan fact checker so that places like Facebook can spin the narrative.

This is an article about just a few of the times that Hillary has got greedy.

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Tags: Politifact  Snopes  Hillary  Hillary Clinton  FactCheck  Greed

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