Illegal Immigrant Problems
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2019-02-04 |
When Trump says that Mexico is not sending their best and brightest as illegal immigrants, the left loses their nut. That's racism (shhhh... nevermind that Mexican is not a race, and that he had no complaints about legal immigrants, it's close enough for the left). The bigger question, is it true? Does illegal immigration have costs and consequences or not? (How many examples) Are their averages better or worse than the general population? Since the rational know that the point is valid, and the irrational polemics can't argue the facts, they try to shout down the charge with "RACIST"... otherwise they might have to address the point that there are costs.
The Myth of the White Pedophile[edit source]
When it comes to kids (including little girls), modern American white male is the least rapey on earth. Latino's and some other minorities? Yeah, not so much. Facts are facts, when you come from a sexist culture that doesn't value lives very highly, especially of females and children, then you're more likely to perpetrate crimes on those females and/or children. |
Illegal Immigrants[edit | edit source]
Here's a list of problems (crimes, etc) by illegal immigrants:
- 2019.05.09 Raping dog to death - What does Sanctuary City/State laws mean? It means a guy that rapes his fiancee’s dog to death is set free, rather than letting ICE deport him. (Oregon). Animal cruelty is nothing compared to political posing and virtue signaling.
Sanctuary City[edit source]
A Sanctuary City is where the city will release fugitives into the public rather than risk repeat-felons being imprisoned or deported for federal crimes. ICE only has time/resources to go after felonious immigrants, and Sanctuary Cities protect them, and say the laws that apply to everyone else, don't apply to them. |
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Tags: TBD Immigration