Who is Kamala Harris? A vile, anti-constitutional Attorney General, that became a vile Senator.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2017-07-30 |
Career Lowlights[edit | edit source]
- 2006 Missing $3.7 Million - Kamala Harris was questioned about $3.7M that she received in 2006 for Border Cases, she spent none of it on its intended purpose, and was a Sanctuary City (shielding illegal immigrant felons from prosecution) and letting them go free to murder people in her city instead. Nobody ever found where the money went. Can you imagine what the IRS would say if you did that?
- 2010 Election Corruption - Kamala was losing by 62,000 votes. She contacted her friend (Sec State Debra Bowen) who certifies votes. Suddenly many thousands of her opposition (Steve Cooley's) votes just disappeared, and after provisional ballots were counted, Kamala was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes -- in what many felt was a corrupt election.
- 2010 Scheme bypasses campaign contribution limits - In 2010 and 2016, Kamala Harris paid $63,000 to Maxine Waters daughter to get around campaign laws (limiting donations). Dinesh D'Souza went to prison for donating $20,000 to a long time friend: but campaign donation limits only seem to apply to Republicans. With the corrupt Waters election machine behind her, Kamala crushed her opposition.
- 2010 The biggest loser D.A. - Kamala's tenure as D.A. included lowest conviction rate in the state (53% compared to state avg of 83%), her prosecutors got caught falsifying records, they failed to report officers past misconduct (putting 80 cases in jeopardy).
- 2012.02.12 Sabotaged Pension Reform - California is being bankrupted by bad pension systems. Kamala was bought by organized labor ($600,000 in campaign contributions). Wen a ballot initiative was being put up to help fix the pension crisis, Kamala got to write the description, so lied and said it “eliminates constitutional protections for current and future public employees’ vested pension benefits.”
- 2018.11.15 Compares ICE to the KKK - Democratic California Senator Kamala Harris compared ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) during a Senate hearing. She also implied they act like a terrorist organization toward foreign nationals who are illegally in the United States, without backing up how. Nasty, nasty way to treat people who defend our country.
- 2019.02.27 Immigration Lies - Kamala lied ("Mischaracterized") to CNN about her immigration policy, and CNN accidentally did a random act of journalism by reporting it. Basically, Kamala lied about reporting juvenile undocumented immigrants arrested (but not yet convicted) to ICE for deportation. Of course CNN only called her on it, because she didn't act far left enough. But still.
- 2019.03.14 Lies about Pence - Vice President Pence once mentioned that he avoids working 1:1 dinners with females, out of respect for his wife. The left/media exaggerated that to he's afraid to be alone with a woman. Kamala Harris (the whore who slept with her boss) is either ignorant or a maliciously lying when she exaggerates that to imply it holds Women back.
- 2019.04.02 Misleading Teacher Salary claims - Harris put out a completely deceptive and dishonest claim, "that teachers pay is falling short of living wage in 30 states" and we need the fed to help. FakeNews Politifact backed her up, because completely misleading, if you parse everything she said in a way that most of her readers won't, then she's technically not wrong, so they mislabelled it as mostly true. Something they'd never do for a conservative.
- Descended from slave owners - It's not just that Kamala Harris is descended from slave owners. I personally don't believe in visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children. However, Kamala is for reparations for slavery. So judging her by her own standards, her family is racist and owes money to other blacks. Why should we elect her until she's paid that debt?
- Fucking her way to the top - Kamala Harris failed the bar when she first took it, and only got to the top, by being on the bottom (being Corrupt Mayor Willie Brown's mistress, while he was still married). While I don't have a problem with women (or men) taking advantage of their "network" to get ahead, it matters if it was above board, and who the partner was.
- Kamala is a nasty person - Drops F-Bombs in public speeches, lies, uses histrionics, has no charm... then likes to whine about others tone/civility.
- Brett Kavanaugh - Democrats have a rich history of politicizing and undermining the autonomy of the Supreme Court. Samual Chase, Rehnquist, Bork, Ginsburg, Thomas and Kavanaugh: invent shit, apply standards that nobody can achieve, sling mud until they give up. Kavanaugh was a sham trial, that he won, barely, despite being a boyscout and far better then the last 10 Democrat picks for Supremes.
- NYT Kavanaugh Smear - Acting as a DNC's mouthpiece, the NYT published a hit-piece by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, who were promoting their book attacking Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for being a sexual harasser. Fake News.
- Peruta v. San Diego - California was one of only 10 "May-issue" Conceal and Carry permits states (as opposed to "Shall-Issue"). Which means they can choose to use the "good cause" as an excuse to set impossible standards that no one other than the politically connected or big police donors, to meet the standards. E.g. they violate the letter/intent of the 2A.
- Will Happer Climate Denialist? - William Happer was appointed by Trump, so the far left (NYT, WaPo, etc) attacked. You'd think the President put a radical anti-Science guy in charge of Climate Change study, instead of distinguished Princeton Physics professor emeritus, fellow of the American Physical Society, member of the National Academy of Science and the JASON group, and so on.
- 2010 The biggest loser D.A. - Kamala's tenure as D.A. included lowest conviction rate in the state (53% compared to state avg of 83%), her prosecutors got caught falsifying records, they failed to report officers past misconduct (putting 80 cases in jeopardy).
- 2012.02.12 Sabotaged Pension Reform - California is being bankrupted by bad pension systems. Kamala was bought by organized labor ($600,000 in campaign contributions). Wen a ballot initiative was being put up to help fix the pension crisis, Kamala got to write the description, so lied and said it “eliminates constitutional protections for current and future public employees’ vested pension benefits.”
- Hurricane Ian - Biden's Katrina, where Biden was petty and snubbed DeSantis until shamed into it, then couldn't reflect a compliment about good he'd done. Kamala made it worse with quips about equity and politicization, so the FEMA head said she didn't know what she was talking about.
- Trayvon Martin/Post Mortem - To show how little some think of the Black Community, places like Florida Memorial University gave Trayvon a posthumous degree in aviation (because he liked getting high?), or repeated lies about what happened, after knowing better.
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
Other than she lies, cheats, steals and is an incompetent Lawyer and D.A., a nasty and divisive person, that she only advanced through being whore, she's a flaming hypocrite, she screwed over California taxpayers for union dollars, then she's a good person. Assuming "good" is synonymous with spiteful twat that I would put in charge of a Burger Barn, let alone the country. She belongs in and to California, with her nasty coven of corrupt people around her.
🖼️ Memes
Memes/People/Harris • [2 items]
![]() A demented old man and hooker walk into a bar... no, wait, that's the inauguration.
![]() Harris: Remember when I blew you when and I was in my 20's to start my career? Willie Brown: OMG yes, I was only 60 back then1
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Tags: People DNC TBD Anti-Americans Polemics/Democrats/Politicians