~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-07-04 |
Other places noticed the bias as well:
- New York Post has commented on it [1]
- There were sites dedicated to monitoring the NYT bias... but it became so obvious that they shut it down. It's like reporting that Michael Moore is a fat socialist, it's so obvious that people get bored. [2]
- Columbia journalism school case study on bias at the NYT:[3]
- Anyone with a clue about economics has mocked Paul Krugman, their economics spokesperson. There's whole sites dedicated to his biases and hypocrisy -- flipping 180° on his positions, depending on if the President has a (d) or (r) after their name. But he's the top of the iceberg.
- Their positions on the NRA, Race, Consistency across administrations. You can predict how the NYT will respond to a current event by asking what the DNC position is, and how they would spin it, then reading that position in the NYT. [4]
- Partiy Affiliation - Others point out this trick where they always mention party affiliation if there's a Republican involved in a scandal, but Democrats are outliers and party affiliation is never worthy of mention.[5]
- Paul Krugman that this leftist anti-economist represents the paper on all things economic, screams hyper-partisan douchebaggery. Other economists mock him for his bias. And shit splatters.
- Bari Weiss the last moderate left at the NYT, quit with an open letter explaining it was because of continual harassment by her far-left consensus demanding colleagues, and the policies supporting that bias at the dying rag of post-journalism.
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- ↑ NYPost on Times Bias:
- ↑ Times Watch:
- ↑ Columbia on NYT Bias:
- ↑ Examples of NYT DNC Party Platform positions:
- http://fpb.livejournal.com/128006.html
- http://thefederalist.com/2015/04/10/the-new-york-times-is-blatantly-lying-about-guns-at-the-nra-annual-convention/?hc_location=ufi
- http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2015/04/12/fail-new-york-times-tries-to-play-race-card-rewrite-history/
- https://www.aei.org/publication/venn-diagrams-of-the-day-on-ny-times-editorial-board-inconsistency/
- http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/business/sam-dorman/2017/01/04/mrcs-dan-gainor-no-neutrality-new-york-times
- http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2010/11/027788.php
- Lying about crowd size in a tweet, not only biased by stupid: http://hotair.com/archives/2017/04/20/fake-news-new-england-patriots-fact-checked-new-york-times/
- http://freebeacon.com/culture/news-thats-fit-fake/
- http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/media/307012-the-new-york-times-and-other-outlets-continue-to-cry-wolf-over-trump
- ↑ Party Affiliation: * http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/09/05/new-york-times-slammed-for-stealth-editing-article-to-add-this-critical-detail/