A list of issues, articles and scandals that pertain to Barack Obama.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2017-05-09 |
Obama Presidency[edit source]
Main article: Obama Presidency
Obama's win was almost inevitable. Very rarely does the party in power able to hold it across administrations (unless there's assassination/death). In the entire 20th century we had Coolidge->Hoover, Reagan->Bush. That's it: both extraordinary Republicans ending during an economic high. |
Obamabot Cult[edit source]
Main article: Obamabot Cult
Are Obama supporter a cult? Not all, of course. But the bigger the proponent, the more cult-like. Those that got tingles up their legs when he spoke, and refused to admit things he did to hurt the national interests, undermine the constitution, or revise the historical record? Those NPC's earned a 70% on the cultometer. |
Obama Index (or) Memes/People/Obama • [3 items]
Obama |
Meme philanthropist Barack Obama: Domestic Policy, Obamacare, Foreign Policy, Guns. He gave fodder generously. |
Obama Scandals |
Obama and the media tried to portray the Obama Administration as scandal free. Seriously. This isn't meant as a balanced piece. This is meant to counter-balance to the claim that his administration was scandal free. The full list of scandals for the Community Organizer in Chief sits over 800. But here's some lowlights. |
Obama's Racism |
Obama never misses an opportunity to divide America, especially on racial issues (Trayvonn). He gets the facts wrong, the tone wrong, the history wrong, and he fertilized the movements that became BLM and Antifa. People elected Obama hoping he could heal racial divisions, instead he did everything he could to magnify them for campaign dollars. |
- 2013.04.03 Leno fired because of Obama - There's a rumor that Leno was fired because he was too tough on Obama (Obama admin pressured NBC). While it is plausible, and he was fired despite having top ratings, and his fair treatment the left irritated some snowflakes, there's no evidence offered or whistle-blowers to confirm it, so I'm not giving it much credibility at all.
- 2013.06.01 IRS Abuse Scam - During the 2012 Obama election, the Obama Administrations IRS agents targeted conservative not-for-profit political filings, and the blocked them getting their status (election interference), CNN spun the story as it was "2" low-level folks and completely a regional problem". It was 88 folks that ran the center which controls 401(c)(d)'s for the entire nation.
- 2013.12.12 Obama and Politifact share lie of the year - 2008-2013 Politifact rated anyone who criticized Obama's "If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep it" as Pants-on-fire. Then in 2013 the lie of the year poll was the promise that you could keep your doctor/plan. It wasn't even on the ballot, it was a write in by so many that had lost coverage, that PolitFact had to admit it. (Without retraction or apology).
- A Promised Land - The least accomplished President in my lifetime had another ghostwriter (Bill Ayers?) complete his 768-page alternate-reality fan-fiction book pretending to be an autobiographical memoir. The 3rd in the series of self-worship, and he's promising volume 2 in this set is still coming.
- Atlantic on Seleimani - Atlantic finds some far-left anti-American law professor talking head to ignore the thousands of people Obama drone bombed, and complain that Trump killed one, with far more justification -- and thus Trump was wrong to not get congressional approval first. Pick one standard please. If Trump was wrong, then Obama should be in gitmo.
- Backpage - Like Craigslist, people used Backpage Classifieds for hookups and paid sexual encounters. After they were actively helping the Government find nefarious actors, the Obama DOJ seized their assets (so they couldn't pay their legal bills) and arrested the founders anyway.
- Birth of Birthers - Recently Donald Trump re-ignited the birther campaign by saying the following, "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it...." This of course has revived the fable that the Obama birther movement didn't come from the Clinton campaign, and the Hillary-supporting media is quick to carry her campaigns' water.
- Bundy Extremists - There were two Bundy stand-offs, one in 2014, and one in 2016, over the same issue. There were ranchers tired of Clinton era encroachments, and Obama era hard-nosed enforcement that seized their land by the Federal Government, or new restrictions on everything: grazing, usage, logging, and so on that was ruining these people's livelihoods for politics.
- DACA - Do you love the Constitution and Rule of Law, or do you prefer a corrupt political tyranny (where the President has the powers to write/nullify law)? Pick one. If you support DACA then you aren't compassionate, you just picked the latter. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is an illegal program by President Obama to circumvent immigration laws.
- Election 2016: shame and regrets - Tomorrow (11/09/2016) will be the day after a work party that turned into a drunken orgy. You try to shower and wash clean the fuzzy memories of what just happened, and have the fortitude and denial required to make eye contact with your coworkers the next day... but you all share each other's guilt and shame.
- FBI/IG DOJ FBI Report - The 2016 IG/DOJ report has many startling revelations about rampant partisan bias, lawbreaking (criminality) around Trump/Russiagate fraud. This wasn't just Comey, but 5 others, including Obama criminally lying about events.
- Fast and Furious - The BATF under Eric Holder was selling guns to Mexican drug cartels, to use them coming back as an excuse for why we needed to enact gun control in the U.S. But the guns had no tracking, and were then used to kill American's, and the whole thing blew up. Obama used executive privilege to shield himself and Holder from prosecution.
- Food Stamps - In economics, you compare the costs to the benefits. Government food stamps made recipients fatter and sicker than those not on it. Government got into the redistribution business ( poverty industrial complex), that means they're responsible for how a system they created doesn't work, or the consequences of it.
- Great Awokening - The rise of the progressive left socialists under Obama is called "the Great Awokening", the sheeple horde. It's when Obama shed his facade of being a moderate and both fueled and followed the left's Occupy, BLM, Antifa, Intersectional Marxists and Democratic Socialists, after decades of miseducation in indoctrination camps known as Schools and Universities.
- Hillary Clinton: Secretary of state (2009-2013) - She screwed up everything she touched: Reset Button, Nuclear Deterrents, Boko Haram, Benghazi. She was in a short time to do so much damage.
- Iran Nuclear Deal - Like most things Obama did, he fucked up negotiations with Iran. He signed a shitty deal, in the worst way possible, and Trump fixed it by wiping the slate clean and starting over, and Obama had his usual impotent tantrum over that. Obama didn't even require the Iranians to sign the deal, and he didn't ratify it through the senate (it was no treaty).
- Mao's Great Leap Forward - Socialist Success Stories: 45 million dead over four years, that's not counting the oppression and re-education camps. Obama's leftist posters to terms like "Forward" raises eyebrows. It was a signal (whether intentional or incompetence) on who he sympathized with. Socialism descended into famine and starvation, driven by the state. That's what "Forward" looks like to the left.
- Nuclear Non-Proliferation - If you want countries to stop becoming Nuclear enabled, then you have to increase the costs, and decrease the rewards for doing so. No President did more harm to that cause than Barack Obama: Libya, Ukraine, Iran, and North Korea, it was a shit-show of incompetence.
- Numbers Covered by Obamacare - Those claiming 20 million more people are insured because of Obamacare (ACA) either don’t know what they’re talking about, or are bald-faced liars. We're around 29 million people short of the campaign promise for universal coverage. And it's well below the 20 million new people covered that the fools and frauds like to claim. The facts: about 2.8M were covered because of Obamacare, and another 4-6M because of medicaid expansion, at a cost of about $20K per new person covered.
- Obama Gun Quotes - Q:Why was Obama the best gun salesman in History? A: Because he wanted to restrict gun rights. Q: Why did people think Obama wanted to restrict their guns? A: Because they listened to what he said. He said he was anti guns, he went after them at every opportunity. So people bought, just in case.
- Obama Portraits - Obama even embarassed himself and the office with his choice of artist and failed portrait. The art crowd with prim and preen and talk about how bold it is. But it's not traditional and gosh, and was later repaced because it stood out like a sort thumb next to all the other Presidential Portraits. And it was mockworthy.
- Obama Presidency - Obama's win was almost inevitable. Very rarely does the party in power able to hold it across administrations (unless there's assassination/death). In the entire 20th century we had Coolidge->Hoover, Reagan->Bush. That's it: both extraordinary Republicans ending during an economic high.
- Obama Scandals - Obama and the media tried to portray the Obama Administration as scandal free. Seriously. This isn't meant as a balanced piece. This is meant to counter-balance to the claim that his administration was scandal free. The full list of scandals for the Community Organizer in Chief sits over 800. But here's some lowlights.
- Obama and Hackers - After 8 years of doing nothing about serious hacks or real threats to national security, suddenly Obama does his most aggressive foreign policy move (throwing out 35 Russian diplomats), just weeks before he left office, because of the possibility that they might have hacked the DNC and leaked the truth to the public. Cynics/realists might think that was to sabotage relations.
- Obama fact-check on Guns - Gun Advocates know guns, shooting defense, and the 2A... and they can smell people who don't, and are trying to take their liberty/hobby away. Obama reeks of cow manure mixed with ignorance. He clearly knows nothing about guns, shooting, or shooters. But he obviously doesn't like liberty, freedom and the American way. So he hates guns, shooters and the 2A.
- Obama on Energy - Obama ran as an, "All of the above" energy moderate. President Obama governed as an anti-Fossil Fuel watermelon (Green on the outside, Red on the inside). He obstructed coal, tried to get cap and trade, blocked drilling in the Gulf, the Keystone pipeline, ANWR, cut new drilling permits on public lands in half -- then lied about it. And more...
- Obama's Racism - Obama never misses an opportunity to divide America, especially on racial issues (Trayvonn). He gets the facts wrong, the tone wrong, the history wrong, and he fertilized the movements that became BLM and Antifa. People elected Obama hoping he could heal racial divisions, instead he did everything he could to magnify them for campaign dollars.
- Obama's gun truths and consequences - From Gun Sales to Mass Shootings, how the unintended consequences of community organizing are often detrimental to the stated goal. How divisive rhetoric and drawing attention to your cause can often get the opposite outcome of intent. Of course if your intent is to pose for the selfie-stick and drive up gun ownership and mass shootings then maybe it isn't the opposite of intent.
- Obama: Bowgate - Obama was warned by State, not to belittle the office by bowing to foreign sovereigns. So he ignored that. Did he learn? No. He went on to bow 6 more times to other leaders. This is not a slight gaffe, this was a repeat gosh contempt for protocol that embarassed our allies, and emboldened our enemies.
- Obama: HiroshimaGate - Obama ignored the advice of Japan's Foreign Minister Mitoji Yabunaka which said that such an apology, "would undermine the defensive alliance between Japan and the U.S." So Obama ignored the advice of Japan on Japan, and apologized for Hiroshima (and WWII), and actually did more to open up old wounds than to close them -- and it made us look weak in the region.
- Obamacare - Obamacare (ACA or Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), is a bunch of scandals, lies and frauds all in one. This covers the basics on those -- that Obamacare is a Republican Idea, the numbers covered by it, and so on.
- Obamacare is a Republican Idea - There’s an oft repeated lie, that the Affordable Care Act (ACA / Obamacare) was modeled after a Republican plan. People that say this are either liars, DNC mouthpieces, or people completely unaware of the actual facts and are just repeating what they’ve been told by DNC mouthpieces. This debunks that tripe.
- Obamagate - Obamagate is the correct name for Russiagate -- it was the greatest scandal and abuse of power in American History. It was where Obama operatives conspired to use a Fake Dossier as an excuse to spy on a duly elected President and his campaign/administration, and frame various members, in order to undermine the interests of the American people.
- Obamanomics v Trumponomics - Big government spending, tax and regulations are burdens on business and scare them away from growth: that's why Obamanomics failed so miserably. While the converse is true for Trumponomics: despite more international threats and instability, the markets were bolder. People anticipate future risks, and higher taxes/regulations require more caution than one with more opportunitities.
- Obama’s post-partisan timeline - If someone likes Obama because he was a partisan that attacked the right (after running on being a post-partisan uniter), then hey, that's fine: it’s honest. But if they pull up the canard that the tone in America is all because of Republicans, or that Republicans hated Obama because "racism", then I'm going to remind them of the actual history.
- School Lunches - Democrats (Michelle Obama) decided to make socialized federal nutritional mandates ("Smarter Lunchrooms"). This removed flavor so (a) fewer kids ate school lunches: lower utilization (b) threw more of it away: higher waste (c) and ate out of vending machines instead: ate worse. They did what governments do, and make things worse.
- Solar Power - Different "Solar Power" has different issues: centralized (big plant) or distributed (residential) solar power. But there's a lot of flim-flam in what the cost/benefits are. It is not as green as the proponents pretend, it wouldn't need subsidies if it was cheaper, and it has no reliability unless it has backup plants that aren't "Green". So I debunk some of the lies (exaggerations).
- Spygate - There is no doubt that the Trump administration was spied on during a Presidential election, by the Obama administration. There is also no doubt that the media reported it, then were outraged when Trump repeated it, then they denied it was spying, then they reported a few examples where it happened.
- Trumponomics - FakeNews was spinning how the bull market had nothing to do with Trump's policies, which is as dumb as giving him all the credit. Presidents can either (a) create headwinds (raise taxes, regulations, energy costs) (b) put tailwinds (decrease taxes, regulations, and lower energy costs through encouraging drilling/pipelines). That can be swamped by other factors, but they have SOME influence on markets.
- You didn't build that - You didn't build that became a defining phrase of Obama admin. The left thinks without government, there would be no business. The truth is the opposite, without government we'd have commerce, but without commerce and people to tax, there is no government. Government is the parasite with delusions of grandeur.
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🔗 Links
- The cruelty of Barack Obama : https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-cruelty-of-barack-obama-1505171158
- Junior senator from Illinois sabotaged a bipartisan immigration bill (hurting immigrants)
- Implemented DACA that he himself had previously admitted was beyond his constitutional powers
- WSJl predicted, “this will further poison the debate and make Republicans more reluctant to come to the negotiating table and cut a deal.... One begins to wonder if anything this President does is about anything larger than his re-election.”
- "Perhaps a certain ex-president is accusing Mr. Trump of cruelty to help us forget that when he and other Democrats had the chance to grant 11 million immigrants access to the American dream, they instead chose, for partisan purposes, to keep them in the shadows. Fair enough to criticize Mr. Trump and Congress for whatever they do going forward to clean up this mess. But let’s remember the Obama duplicity that created it."
- Door #2 -- Legal Insurrection's first posts -- https://legalinsurrection.com/2008/10/obama-is-door-no-2/
- http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/constitutional-lawyer-oval-office/
- http://conservativeamerican.org/official-obama-administration-scandals-list/
- http://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/category/obama-administration-scandals
- http://investmentwatchblog.com/the-complete-list-of-barack-obamas-scandals-misdeeds-crimes-and-blunders/
- http://angelforisrael.wordpress.com/2014/06/06/obama-scandals/
- http://obamascandalslist.blogspot.com/2010/11/obama-scandals-list-201.html
- Russian Collusion: https://www.dailywire.com/news/18519/5-times-democrats-tried-work-russians-swing-aaron-bandler
Tags: People Polemics History DNC TBD Anti-Americans Presidents People/History