Rittenhouse Poll

From iGeek
Morning Consult did a poll on Kyle Rittenhouse. Those interpreting the data are missing the points.
The take-away the media got from the Poll was that we're divided on racial or partisan lines -- but the bigger divide was on informed versus the ignorant and biased. You can see it in the answers.
ℹ️ Info          
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-11-23 

Race and party affiliation is a factor on how you see the trial outcome -- but those are symtoms. Look deeper, and what do you find?

  • the ignorant or biased think Kyle is guilty and this was a travesty of justice (and racism)
  • the informed know better

Take the most important question:

Kyle Rittenhouse attended the protest against police brutality in Kenosha, Wisconsin in August 2020 with a semi-automatic rifle to...
  • (A) "help protect the public"
  • (B) "to provoke violence"

That answer is easy and indesputible: it was to protect the public. Anyone that says otherwise is ignorant or biased.

How do we know?

🗒️ Note:
You might believe that Kyle was dumb/wrong to go to a riot armed. Fine. That's an opinion. Regardless, that doesn't change HIS motives, which is what the question was about. What did HE say/believe he was going there for? And how did HE act when he was there?
  • We have him stating why he was there multiple times: then acting 100% sincerely towards those goals.
  • We have video of him doing that, all day. (Cleaning graffiti, putting out dumpster fires [literally], helping people)
  • We have his spotlessly clean record as a do-gooder: Police Cadet, Firemen, getting training in EMT services, etc.
  • You have zero video of him attempted to provoke anyone - and despite being armed, he's not running towards the sound of shooting or trying to fire at anyone, he's trying to escape. Period.

Thus based on all that evidence (and their denial of it, and how they respond to this information), we can leap the natural conclusion that they fall into multiple camps: misinformed (ignorant), too biased (emotions over facts), too partisan (willfully ignorant), or just gullible and inflexible rubes that are repeating what they heard from their echo-chamber of far leftism.

The problem isn't that they race or party, it's their unwillingness to educate themselves and be objective when presented with facts.

Thus, when we look at breakdowns of the survey, we see symptoms, not causes:

  • 9% of blacks agree with (A).
  • 12% of students believe (A).
  • 13-16% of Biden Supporters agree with (A)... while 57% of those who Oppose Biden or his policy agree.
  • 19% of Feminists/Green Energy folks tend to agree with (A)
  • 10% of atheists agree with (A), but 42% of Christians agree (even higher if you filtered out blacks or students)

That they happen to be Democrat, Black, leftist, activists, is a symptom of the issue. Their emotions over reason, their teenagers self-confidence in knowing everything), psychologically projecting onto Kyle why they would go there armed, and so on -- those are the causes.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

All Kyle's actions, statements, history, and evidence were consistent with (A), none with (B). If he was the vigilante, trying to provoke violence as an excuse to harm others and play the hero, he was doing it all wrong. Thus those at that answer (B) aren't just differences of opinion. They are ignoring all facts and evidence that disagree with their biases -- and reading in an intent based on a lack of any behavior to confirm it. Their race, gender, party and other biases are all secondary symptoms of that bigger truth.

Thus, uninformed people believe that Kyle was a travesty of justice... just like there are some today that proclaim OJ's innocence, or think Michael Brown was a gentle giant doing nothing wrong. But we aren't divided based on politics. We are divided based on what groups are more mature and open to facts and which are willing to "drink the coolaid" and go along with what they're told in their echochambers. Shockingly, the most mature and reasonable people aren't immature students, disenfranchised minorities, extremists/activists, CNN-watchers, and ubran liberals who live in provincial echo chambers.


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Kyle Rittenhouse
Kinosha local kid shot 3 Antifa felons while they were assaulting him: left is upset Kyle used self defense.

Kyle Rittenhouse
Kinosha local kid shot 3 Antifa felons while they were assaulting him: left is upset Kyle used self defense.

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