Thought Police
When there are people that reward/punish good and bad ideas, that's the thought police.
~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2021-01-13 |
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Of course the idea of a Thought Police isn't bound to political left or right. It's just that historically, the left is about collectivism, and the right about individualism. And collectivists by nature demand conformity to the collective, and enforce litmus tests to betray anyone that doesn't conform. |
- When there are people that you should enforce (reward/punish) good and bad ideas or persecuting (deplatforming) those that don't think like them, that's the thought police.
- It comes from George Orwell's warning, the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, on how the turpid philosophy of collectivism (marxism, socialism, progressivism) historically permeates a society and infects it with their tribal intolerance towards "others"; the bigotry and scapegoating that lead to the rise of most despots and the rationalization the masses used on persecuting minority groups.
- In the book, they are a secret police of the superstate Oceania, who discover and punish any personal or political thoughts unapproved by the collective.
- In America, they are out in the open, they are:
- BLM, Antifa, the DNC
- political correctness in our culture, the biases in their media
- it is diversity training and champions that want to stifle intellectual diversity with litmus tests,
- it is speech codes in Universities,
- it is ESG scores invented by the left to reward "proper" behaviors and punish "impure" thoughts,
- it is anyone that wants to put their one true ideology ahead of the ideology of American Liberalism (which was about freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and agreeing that the glue that holds the nation together is letting or differences exist without the henpecking persecution of the mob.
The examples are many, but the denial and lack of introspection of the followers is stronger.
Almost all evil deeds were done by people that thought they were the good ones, and the others were bad. But good and evil is about actions and not intent.
So I'll list some of the actions, and leave for the reader the exercise of imaging that the victim is their siblings, parents or children -- and if they are OK with this anyways, then they are evil. If they are not, and they look the other way, then they are hypocrites.
During Digital Kristallnacht (and the aftermath), when the Tech Giants and their flock of lessors decided that the Biden Administation coming to power was a signal to purge conservative voices, we had the following attacks. Twitter and Facebook imagined crimes not because of what Trump said on their platforms (as their side said far worse, far more often), but on what they imagine he thought and secret dog whistle signals -- and they banned him from their public platforms for those imagined crimes. Not just the posts that were offensive (because they didn't have good examples), not just the accounts he wrote them on, but his entire presence as a signal to him and all his supporters and the 75M+ Americans that voted for him: your kind is not welcome.
- Digital Kristallnacht - Under the urging of Biden administration and supporters, Social Media enacted Digital Kristallnacht: ripping through 7,000 Conservative individuals, digital businesses and communities on Social Media, breaking windows, banning, and blocking, in order to harass and ban them, all in the name of faux healing and unity.
- Digital Kristallnacht/Excuses - The Water Carriers and apologists on the left are are coming up with excuses like (a) it's a private company (b) they are only blocking one extremist billionaire (c) he still has a voice, so it doesn't hurt much (d) this isn't any worse than a baker refusing service to a gay person. All those are bullshit and easily disproven
- Thought Crime - George Orwell wrote his cautionary book titled Nineteen Eighty-Four about what progressive lefists would become, if unconstrained. It was intended to be a warning, but seems to have been taken as a roadmap. A key part of it was the idea of political correctness (wrongthink) devolving into "thought crimes". He was prophetic.
👁️ See also
- Thought Crime - George Orwell wrote his cautionary book titled Nineteen Eighty-Four about what progressive lefists would become.
- Thought Police - When there are people that reward/punish good and bad ideas, that's the thought police.
- Digital Kristallnacht - Biden supporters demanded and acted on Digital Kristallnacht: attacking/banning conservatives on Social Media to heal us.
- Orwellian - George Orwell warned of the decline of civilization through Socialism, Collectivism, and Group-Think.
- 2+2≈1984 - This is about 2+2=5, and the mind-fuck in George Orwell's book about Socialism, titled: nineteen eighty-four (1984).
- 2+2≈1984 - This is about 2+2=5, and the mind-fuck in George Orwell's book about Socialism, titled: nineteen eighty-four (1984).
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