What is a Woman?

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What Is A Woman Film Logo.png
a 2022 documentary about gender and transgender issues by Matt Walsh / Daily Wire.
A 2022 documentary about gender and transgender issues by Matt Walsh / Daily Wire..
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~ Aristotle Sabouni
Created: 2022-08-04 

Released to start with Pride Month this was a documentary movie for subscribers to the daily wire (and an audiobook that covered the same material), that looked at the history of Sexologies, some outcomes, and how evasive activists and leftists are about what defines such a simple scientific concept as gender.

There were a lot of unanswered questions, because Matt does journalism, goes to sources, and asks them to define things -- and like any good interviewer, when they give non-answers, he asks them to be clearer and more specific. Since they don't want to be pinned down or paint themselves into corners by admitting reality, there's tons of evasion and double-speak.

Most reviewers wouldn't touch his show or book; it was radioactive, because it asks certain questions that are forbidden in the Democrats America -- like what is a Woman? And why do you believe that?


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List of things I’ve watched, read, seen, cooked, ate, heard about, and so on.

A list of Book Reviews.

What is Trans? Which trans? Transvestite, Transexual, Transgender, Transphobia, Transmission?

The foundations of sex research can summed up as perverts distorting data to normalize their perversions.

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